Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
1. How did you like the game overall? Did you like the format? Did you like the roles you had?

I liked the seer/recruiter combo. If I'd been a little more active with that then things would've gotten on the road.
Seer/recruiter is always powerful. You definitely had a good chance to win the game as that role, but things just didn't work out...

Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
3. How did you like the events? Were they interesting? Overpowering? Underpowering? Unused?

Not balanced, but they were fun. And definitely tipped the game at different points.
Option Auction was rather overpowered and probably did tip the game. Still, I would have thought people would have targeted the players who won powerful items, so they weren't able to use them? Strangely, that didn't happen.

Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
4. Was the game balanced? Pros? Cons?

I wouldn't say it was perfectly balanced just on the fact of the way it works, with people coming in all the time. Still, you didn't do too badly, considering it came down to three people.

Also, recruiting was a little here and there this game. While it's a concept I've played with myself a few times, I feel like the numbers could definitely do with some tuning here. One way would be reduced income, but what I'd prefer is removing the money basis of it, since that's a bit fiddly. Something like a triple-offer system where you have to spend three nights recruiting someone, or leaving them in limbo with an offer or two. The side of the players wouldn't change with the first or second offer, they would only know they received x offers.
Yeah. Next recruitment is probably going to be just offers and requiring X offers to be recruited. I think the gold part was definitely confusing, since people already had money... I'll figure out how to work out ties for that, too... I'll probably just have them choose. Though... maybe Dual alignment? That could be interesting...

Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
6. Anything else to add?

I feel like mercenaries who didn't get fully recruited didn't understand the whole system. A few times I saw recruited mercenaries act out.
More problems with recruitment. Also maybe the "neutral alliance" thing in-thread messing with popular conceptions...

Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
7. For my curiosity, any guesses on the truth of the narrations? Who poisoned or ordered the poisoning of the Lord of Allethorre in the first narration? Who is the Disguised Lord, actually?

I was originally going to say the sister, but that doesn't fit, and neither does the brothers. (Sister only doesn't fit because she'd already talked to lord and him dying didn't help her at all.) I'd have to reread to work it out and too lazy/busy over here.

So here. I'll just say I reckon the cook was the killer. Because the butler does it so much the cook has to have a turn.
It was not the cook, nor was it the butler who killed him. @BourgeoisJerry, it wasn't the Doppelganger either, though everyone on the Third-Party team was important in some way, at least in helping the Priest with protection, disguises, and information.

Quote Originally Posted by bladescape View Post
Edit: Also, the cat was worth it.
Heh. Fun fact, I got the idea of the cat night one when you were attacked and missed twice. So... you killed yourself.