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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    cool I need a good TN/NE/CN god that's not too evil.

    Hey guys, I need some help working on my new character. He's a TN human rogue/dungeon delver who is a literal murder-hobo; he regularly fishes out of garbage cans, rarely speaks (proficient in sign language), and flouts hygiene.

    The big problem with such a silly character is that he needs some sort of actual motivation, and he is extremely apathetic to the world around him. Therefore, I was thinking that he simply secretly follows the orders of an obscure TN, CN, or NE god, one who has very little interest in the Material Plain or its inhabitents. That last part is crucial, as it's a mostly good-aligned party, and a major chunk of the campaign involves destroying evil cults. Therefore, any deity major enough to have a cult is out. Any ideas, guys/gals?
    Last edited by Brendanicus; 2013-12-10 at 04:35 PM. Reason: Typo