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Thread: The rapid change in Tarquin

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    Math_Mage's Avatar

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    Default Re: The rapid change in Tarquin

    Quote Originally Posted by Mightymosy View Post
    Sure what you say is the reason she gives to Bozzok, but what she thinks we don't know.
    Crystal does not have an extensive record of hidden depths.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mightymosy View Post
    Also, her long hesitation might not actually be that long, and instead could derive from the pacing of the comic in regard to placement of panels. It could be that in reality she just paused for a second and only because of the levels she could gain. This could be. It's just when I read these comics I got under the impression that she hesitated for quite some time and in the end found an excuse she could give to Bozzok, but he didn't buy it, and then she finally got herself to just kill her.
    All signs indicate that Crystal's hesitation was due to her selfishness warring with her bloodlust, not any kind of redeeming reluctance. Does she look or sound in any way reluctant about the moral implications of killing Haley? The glee on her face as she holds the knife above Haley's head says otherwise.

    Look, if we're considering Haley's act with respect to Crystal's moral character, Crystal's hesitation is irrelevant because it doesn't reflect well on her moral characer. If we're considering Haley's act with respect to Crystal's practical threat, Crystal's hesitation is irrelevant because Bozzok will override her selfish desire to let Haley live. Either way, it doesn't have any impact on the morality of Haley's decision to kill Crystal.
    Last edited by Math_Mage; 2013-12-10 at 04:44 PM.