Quote Originally Posted by Greenish View Post
Freeport is in Golarion, to the best of my knowledge. There are a few interesting candidates from Inner Sea World Guide.

There are The Eldest, mysterious semi-divine powers from (de-facto) fey realm. Of interest might be Count Ranalc, CN, whose areas of concern are betrayal, exiles, and shadows, or Lost Prince, Neutral, whose area of (very little) concern is basically brooding.

Though, I don't see how worshipping a deity that's not interested in anything that's going on will help to motivate your character.
The Lost Prince sonds great! Thanks for the advice.

As for why I need an apathetic god, my character is extremely withdrawn, has little intrest in wordly possesions, and just plain weird. Not the kind of person who would join a band of adventurers, except if he's Chaotic Stupid. Which he's not.

The idea for his motivation is that he gets whispered orders from his deity, compelling him to partake in a vaguely-defind plan that probably won't ever be plot relevent,which happens to involve following the party. Therefore, he gets motivation for not just plopping his butt down on a streetcorner, and his eccentricities can be somewhat explained without ruining his inscrutable nature.