Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
Overall, I feel Peter Jackson has totally lost the touch with the bardic, epic heritage and style of both of the stories and now this is down to serving to the lowest common denominator and making a bunch of action scenes instead of trying to make a genuinely good movie about the world and the stories he's supposed to be telling.
Yeah, that's my takeaway too. He's gone completely Lucas. I'm a masochist, so I'll probably go see the 3rd movie anyway.

The really bad part is that it will probably be 15-20 years before anybody else attempts a remake.

The LoTR trilogy, some of his changes I approved, some I was neutral, and a few I really really disliked. Of the 2 hobbit movies so far, I can't think of a single change he's made, that has made it a better story.