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Thread: To the Tower! (IC) [Dragon Age]

  1. - Top - End - #183
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: To the Tower! (IC) [Dragon Age]

    Using the cover of shadows Ivonne hides in the brush, trying to locate the nearest enemy and assess the situation. She also tries to hear Orhild.

    Spoiler: 2 minor actions and perception roll

    Minor action 1 - Ivonne hides in the brush. She rolls dexterity (stealth). Since she has Scouting talent which allows her to re-roll a failed dexterity (stealth) I'll just roll twice - and we'll use the best roll, ok?


    Minor action 2 - guard up +1. So her Defense until the end of round is 14.

    Perception roll (-1 modifer for Guard up is already included) (3d6)[4][3][5](12)

    Ivonne tries to find out how far in yards is the nearest enemy (and what kind of armor is he / she wearing) and what is Orhild yelling?
    Last edited by black velvet; 2013-12-17 at 10:02 AM.