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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: D&D 5th Edition XV: Coming to you Summer 2014

    I found that whole priority thing quite bizarre setting up a comparison with quite different types of things. And 'class features' aren't on the list at all. Frankly if you are comparing 'spells' to 'classes' it really feels to me like you are doing the whole design thing wrong. Surely the comparison is 'spells' and (other) 'class features', especially as spells themselves (if you want the powerful ones) are features obtained by investing in a class...

    Unless they are saying that they want spells to always be strictly inferior to the class abilities of other classes...

    And wait... what?

    "Thinking about this complexity forced us to reconsider how we did things—so why not just use ability scores to make saving throws? This step removed jargon from the game and sped things up at the table. We kept saving throws, but we removed much of the complexity around them."

    Saving throws are complex?
    Last edited by Moreb Benhk; 2013-12-21 at 08:22 PM.