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Thread: [Nexus] Riverside 14

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Riverside 14

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
    Malchenar Castle

    "Of course." Celestel says with a curt nod and then continues towards the door. Inside is a enormous hall lit up by some kind of artificial sun in at the very center of the ceiling. It's rather unlike the painted sun the saw in the entrance hall.

    The artificial sun is hard to make out as it's glow is too strong to really look upon it for too long. It's purpose it's clear however, the sea of vegetation in front of them is feeding of it's life-living light. The flora around here is rather exotic, bluebells the size of trees, so called "corpse flowers" but unlike their real-life counter parts they smell good, very sweet, which must be the smell they picked up in the corridor.

    There are a myriad of smaller species of flowers, some shaped like little orange human skulls while others like symbolic little hearts. Compared to the fauna the bumblebees going between the plants look very normal.

    "This is the garden, we mostly use it for medical purposes. There used to be bee hives here too but we couldn't keep it up. The bees were swarming all over the castle." She explains as they walk forward down the paved path. "Up head are our farms which the gardens more and more have to make way for as the population up here has grown." She gestures ahead where they can see farm lands which should you an idea of just how large this chamber and the castle itself is. "We wouldn't be able to keep this up without some help from plant spirits of course, it would be impossible to do with earth, water and sun alone." She continues to explain. "One could say this is the heart of Malechenar while the upper sections are the brain."
    Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
    Malchenar Castle

    Jim is a little creeped out by the skull flowers, but everything else is extremely cool. His tail waves a bit, unbeknownst to him. In the back of his mind Jim can feel the presence of something besides simple, natural plants. Of course, the fact that their guide said there were spirits makes that easy to identify, but the fact that he could feel that they're not purely natural is very interesting.
    "Yeah, bees can be nasty little buggers. Hard to deal with raising them near populated areas." he says, more to himself than anyone else.

    Sticks is struck dumb by the scale of Malchenar's magical and agricultural resources. Judging by the fields of wheat, corn, and other plants he doesn't recognize stretching into the distance, this place is capable of total self-sufficiency. Now that is impressive. The beauty of Malchenar's gardens takes a close second, rendering him speechless for a few moments as he moves his legs mechanically down the path. He looks, as best he can without being blinded, toward the artificial sun.

    "How is it you imitate sunlight? I've never heard of someone succeeding in such endeavors before. The plants..." He looks around at the lush, strange place he's strolling through. "They would always wither and die. As though there were something magic could not replace."

    Well, she did say plant spirits were involved. How could they not be? These flowers are enormous! And the corpseflowers are decidedly uncorpselike. It all speaks heavily of magical engineering on a scale he's never seen before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
    [Club Pulse]

    "You're looking at it. This club is the place to have a good time. Dancing, drinking, you name it." The shorter of the two says.

    "And now that you two are here, I think the fun can really begin." The other says with a waggle of his eyebrows. "I don't think we got your names. I'm Bello, and this is Lorenzo." He gestures between himself and his friend.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
    Club Pulse

    Caelynn Turath, Huntress.
    Caelynn replies, smiling.

    "Call me Tina," Fettina says, smiling most pointedly at Lorenzo. "Well, Bello, Lorenzo, would you like to meet a couple friends of mine? We were all dying to meet some guys just like you."
    Last edited by Murkus; 2014-01-01 at 06:20 PM.
    My avatar was done by Gullara. Thanks again!

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    Incline your head.
    Do not meet their gaze.
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