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Thread: More Funny D&D Stories

  1. - Top - End - #567
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Default Re: More Funny D&D Stories

    So, we are playing Murder in Baldur's Gate


    We had been asked to investigate a textile merchant in the Wide. We decided we wanted to investigate his stand covertly, so we sent Steve the rouge to pretend to be a customer.

    He goes over an plays the role incredibly convincingly. He starts asking the shopkeeper for his best fabrics and about the manufacturing process. He even asks to try this shirt on. He gets so into it, that he basically forgets the investigation and becomes obsessed with the shirt. He gets a natural 20 to haggle the merchant down and buys a nobleman's shirt at a steal.

    After this, Steve bragging about his shirt and how good he looks in it starts to become a running joke. He even asked a person we were interrogating if she liked it.

    About an 40 mins later, our DM is reading ahead in the campaign and burst out laughing...which is never a good sign. He informs Steve that he notices a new ordinance has been posted. He reads:

    "To preserve the decency of citizens and promote the general weal, all citizens of Baldur's Gate must attire themselves in a manner befitting their station. Furs, silks, damask, velvet, samite, and satin are forbidden to all but those numbered among the patriars...Those who violate these terms are subject to fines or imprisonment."

    Steve: "Aw, come on"

    Last edited by ElenionAncalima; 2014-01-10 at 10:59 AM.