Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
I like the part on religion, as the similarities with the sun are very much intentional.

It's also pretty handy to have the info on the current ruler and their immediate family (including ages) in the same post. Makes it easier for me to collect that info to put into the third post.

By the way, since the game is about ruling families, is the position of High Guildmaster hereditary? Does the High Guildmaster control one of the guilds as well, or are all guilds led by their own Guildmaster, with the High Guildmaster simply being placed above them? You mention that it's an extended family that controls most of the nine guilds. If the High Guildmaster directly controls one of the guilds, I guess that means that with each new High Guildmaster they might control a different guild than their predecessor, correct? (Assuming that is true, of course. It would be interesting, as the dynamic of the country could change a lot with each new ruler.)

Also, I put the craft goods you have as a resource under the common header of "fine crafted goods/luxury items" in the second post. 's That alright?
Glad you like it. Yes, the last bit is fine.

As to the Guild masters: It is hereditary. However, when a new guildmaster comes in to his title, he must pass a test (example: the new guildmaster of the smithing guild would have to forge a sword of a certain quality). The high guildmaster position works in the same manner, except he must pass a test of political maneuvering (as the high guildmaster is the head of state). Specifically, he has to convince each of the guilds that he is an adequate leader.