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    Default Re: GiTP Pathfinder Grab Bag Competition XXII: Third Law

    Specialized Experiments
    Spoiler: Theurgy

    Experiment Logs: You have taken the practice of keeping a lexicon, a multipurpose journal, formula book, and reference guide. Possession of the lexicon reduces the failure chance of your other experiments by 5%.
    Additionally, the lexicon may hold spells as though it were a wizard's spellbook or an alchemist's tome of formulae. With a successful check, you can scribe spell information into the lexicon from a scroll or other spellbook, as a wizard does. The spells in your lexicon are used by other experiments and abilities. Your notations in the lexicon are in a shorthand specific to you, and require a linguistics check for others to decode it into a common language.
    If you prepare spells or extracts with such a book, you gain few additional benefits, except that the lexicon is treated to withstand disaster, and has double the health, hardness, and save bonuses it otherwise might have. You may have multiple lexicons, but the experiment failure reduction is capped at 10%.
    ♦ You gain a rank in theurgy.

    Arcana Charge (Su): The scientist can re-charge wands and staves with his knowledge arcane power.
    Recharging a wand is a full-round action, and takes a number of inspiration points equal to the level of the spell the wand contains.
    Recharging a staff in this way takes 1 minute, and uses a number of inspiration points equal to the highest level spell the staff can cast. This may be performed once per day, in addition to the normal charging of the staff.
    Either method restores one charge to the item in question, and requires that the scientist be holding the item. The item must also have at least one charge remaining to it for the scientist to use this experiment.
    There is a 15% chance of failure when using this ability. Should this occur, the item in question is drained of all remaining charges.
    ♦ You gain a rank in theurgy.

    Arcane Infusion (Su): You gain a small arcane pool with points equal to your highest mental ability modifier. If you already have an arcane pool, you may instead add this amount to your existing pool, even if it means adding the same modifier in twice.
    You may spend a point from your arcane pool as a swift action to give one weapon you are holding a +1 enhancement bonus for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your theurgy rank. At your 4th theurgy rank, this enhancement bonus increases to +2. This bonus stacks with any enhancement bonuses currently on the weapon you are using.
    The scientist may only have one weapon at a time benefiting from his arcane pool, and multiple uses do not stack with themselves.
    This pool refreshes each morning after a full-night's rest.
    You may spend points of inspiration as if they were points from your arcane pool.
    ♦ You gain a rank in theurgy.

    Attempted Arcana: You gain the ability to cast a few spells each day, chosen from a subset of the wizard/sorceror spell list.
    Your base daily allotment is the same as a wizard with a level equal to your theurgy rank. You gain no domain or specialty spells or slots.
    Your spells are arcane, and you prepare and cast them as a wizard, from a book or lexicon. There is a 20% chance that any spell you prepare will fizzle when cast, having no effect. Reduce this failure chance by 1% per theurgy rank you possess, and check the failure for each spell individually, at the time of casting.
    You may only cast spells from the wizard spell list, and they must come from the abjuration, necromancy, or transmutation schools. If you have at least 3 ranks in psiology, you may also select spells from the illusion and enchantment schools. Your caster level is equal to your theurgy rank, and you do not get any bonus spells from a high ability modifier. Use your highest mental ability score when calculating the DC's of your spells.
    You may take prestige classes and abilities which progress this spellcasting, treating each increase in spells/day and caster level as an additional rank in theurgy when determining your caster level and spells per day. You do not gain any spells to your book or lexicon for free, but must acquire them from your travels and experiences.
    You may select this experiment more than once, though you gain only a theurgy rank (and thus spells/day and caster level) from doing so.
    You must have at least one rank in theurgy before taking this experiment.
    ♦ You gain a rank in theurgy.

    Inspired Spellcraft (Ex): You gain the ability to modify your magic with new and more powerful effects born from your imagination. You gain a metamagic feat of your choice.
    In addition to the normal methods for using a metamagic feat, you may choose to apply a metamagic feat's effects to a spell spontaneously, as a swift action immediately prior to casting. To do so, you must spend a number of inspiration points equal to twice the metamagic spell level adjustment (treat a +0 adjustment as 1/2). You may not duplicate a metamagic effect on a spell in this way (spontaneously making an empowered fireball empowered again). Modifying a spell in this way does not consume a higher-level spell slot.
    You must be able to cast at least one spell before taking this experiment, and you must have at least 2 ranks in theurgy. You may select this experiment more than once, gaining a new metamagic feat and theurgy rank each time.
    ♦ You gain a rank in theurgy.

    Spoiler: Alchemy

    Proficient Poisoner (Ex): You gain the poison use class feature, and do not risk poisoning yourself when applying or using a poison. Furthermore, any poison you create has its DC increased by 2, and you get a bonus on heal checks against poisons equal to your ranks in biology.
    ♦ You gain a rank in alchemy.

    Demolitions (Ex): You gain the throw anything feat and the bomb class feature as a first level alchemist. You get a number of bombs each day equal to your highest mental ability modifier. If you already have the bomb feature from another class, you may add this number to your existing bombs per day to determine your daily total, even if it means adding in a single ability modifier more than once.
    Your bombs deal 1d6 damage, or 1d6 more than you get from your other class(es). Calculate their splash damage accordingly.
    ♦ You gain a rank in alchemy.

    Improved Demolitions (Ex): Your bombs deal an extra 1d6 damage. You may spend 2 points of inspiration when making a bomb to add your sciblast's damage to the bomb's damage. This sciblast damage is of the same type as the bomb. You may not use other abilities to modify this sciblast, though you may still spend points of inspiration to increase the sciblast damage added to the bomb.
    You must have the demolitions experiment before learning this one.
    ♦ You gain a rank in alchemy.

    Mastery of Demolitions (Ex): Your bombs deal an extra 1d6 damage. Choose one alchemist discovery which modifies bombs; you may apply that discovery's effects to a bomb you create by spending 1 point of inspiration at the time of creation. Your bombs deal 1 additional damage per die per rank you possess in alchemy, to the target and surrounding creatures.
    You may select this experiment more than once, gaining a new alchemist discovery and alchemy rank each time.
    You must have the improved demolitions experiment before learning this one.
    ♦ You gain a rank in alchemy.

    Chemical Refinement (Ex): By spending one hour with two doses of a potion or poison, you may attempt to concentrate them together into a single, stronger dose. There is a 15% chance of failure when attempting this experiment, in which case the materials (both doses) are destroyed. Reduce this by 1% per rank you possess in alchemy.
    The results of a successful attempt differ for poisons and potions.
    Poisons' DCs increase by an amount equal to your alchemy rank. Poisons also require an additional save to cure. Concentrated poisons also deal hit-point damage upon exposure equal to your alchemy rank, regardless of the victim's saves. A concentrated poison is worth twice its original value.
    Potions' caster levels increase by an amount equal to your alchemy rank. Potions which provide a bonus to AC, attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, or skill checks increase their bonus by 2 for a number of rounds equal to your alchemy rank. Concentrated cure potions restore extra health equal to your alchemy rank. Concentrated potions are worth twice their original value.
    You must have at least one rank in alchemy to select this experiment.
    ♦ You gain a rank in alchemy.

    Spoiler: Physiology

    Augmented Exercise (Ex): You use an experimental new medicine to help improve your physique. By taking the medicine and spending one hour in exercise, you give yourself a temporary +2 inherent bonus to one physical ability score of your choice. This bonus lasts for one day, or until you use this experiment again. The medicine's side effects make you angry and ill-tempered, giving you a -2 penalty on all charisma based skills (except intimidate) for its duration.
    ♦ You gain a rank in physiology.

    Warrior's Insight (Ex): You gain a small ki pool equal to your highest ability score modifier. If you already have a ki pool, you may add this amount to that pool, even if it means adding in the same ability modifier twice.
    You may spend 1 ki point as a swift action for any of the following effects, in addition to any effects you already had available to you:
    • Your next attack ignores an amount of dodge bonus equal to your physiology rank.
    • Double an amount of dodge bonus to your AC for one round equal to your physiology rank.
    • Ignore fatigue penalties, or reduce exhaustion to fatigue, for a number of rounds equal to your physiology rank.
    You may spend points of inspiration as if they were ki points.
    Your ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.
    ♦ Gaining the ki pool feature gives you a rank in physiology.

    Adrenal Augmentation (Ex): With intense training and a slight improvement to his hormonal systems, the scientist can insight a blinding rage within himself. You gain a weaker version of the rage class feature of a first level barbarian, but you may only rage for a number of rounds per day equal to your highest ability modifier. If you already had the rage feature from another class, add this amount to the number of rounds of rage you get each day. Temporary increases to your ability scores do not grant additional rounds of rage.
    You gain the benefits and penalties of the rage spell while under these effects, including a +2 enhancement to strength and constitution, temporary hit points, a +1 bonus on will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. Entering this milder rage is a move action, and you are not fatigued at the end of it. Your rage rounds are replenished after a full 8 hours' rest.
    You may spend points of inspiration as if they were rounds of rage.
    ♦ Gaining the rage class feature gives you a rank in physiology.

    Adrenal Advancement (Ex): Your ability to rage improves. While under the effects of the rage spell or rage class feature, your enhancement bonus to strength and constitution is increased by +1, and your bonus to will saves increases by +1 as well.
    You gain one rage power when you learn this experiment. You must meet all qualifications for that power normally.
    You are exhausted for 2 rounds after raging.
    You must have the rage class feature or the ability to cast the rage spell before selecting this experiment.
    ♦ You gain a rank in physiology.

    Improved Vitality (Ex): By carefully maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise regime, you increase your overall health and wellness. You spend twice as much on food and rations as another creature of your size, and you must spend one hour a day in meditation and exercise for no other purpose. After your 3rd day's exercise, you notice the first benefit. Every two days after, you gain an additional benefit as shown in the table below:
    Day Benefit
    3 +1 vitality bonus to fort saves
    5 +1 vitality bonus to all saves
    7 Additional max health equal to physiology rank
    9 +2 competence bonus to all strength based skills
    11 +1 competence bonus on attack rolls
    13 Endurance bonus feat
    15 Fast healer bonus feat
    These perks remain constant so long as you maintain the healthly lifestyle, but are immediately lost if you are unable to exercise or eat properly, if you drink in excess or consume drugs or poisons which lower your constitution. Additionally, your decision to refrain from indulgence makes you more susceptible to the temptations of others. You suffer a penalty against temptations and mind-affecting effects of the charm or compulsion subschools equal to 1 per 3 days spent training in this method, maximum -5.
    You must have at least 2 ranks in physiology to take this experiment.
    ♦ You gain a rank in physiology.

    Spoiler: Biology

    Dastardly Dissector (Ex): You gain the sneak attack class feature as a first level rogue. Your sneak attack deals 1d6 damage, or 1d6 more than you would normally get if you have the sneak attack feature from another class. If you have at least 8 ranks in the heal skill, your sneak attack deals an additional 1d6 damage.
    ♦ Gaining the sneak attack feature gives you a rank in biology.

    Vicious Vivisectionist (Ex): Your sneak attack deals an extra 1d6 damage. If you possess 12 or more ranks in sleight of hand, then your sneak attack deals an additional 1d6 damage.
    You must have the dastardly dissector experiment before selecting this one.
    ♦ You gain a rank in biology.

    Evolutionary Studies (Ex): You gain the favored enemy feature as a first level ranger. You may take this experiment more than once, selecting a new type of favored enemy each time, though you may not use this experiment to increase an existing favored enemy bonus. If you already had the favored enemy feature from another class, you simply add another creature type to your list of valid enemies.
    This experiment grants only a +2 bonus against your favored enemies, and does not increase in strength as you progress in levels.
    ♦ Gaining the favored enemy feature gives you a rank in biology. You gain a rank in biology each time you take this experiment after the first.

    Species Specialization (Ex): Select one creature type other than undead or constructs. Your spells and effects may affect creatures of that type regardless of the effect's original target type. Effects specific to undead or constructs do not gain this benefit.
    You may select this experiment more than once, choosing a different creature type each time.
    ♦ You gain a rank in biology each time you take this experiment.

    Spoiler: Psiology

    Psychoacoustics (Su): You gain the bardic performance class feature as a first level bard, but you possess only the distraction and countersong bardic performances. You use a perform (acoustics) checks for either performance, as you use strange instruments to bounce sound vibrations around your subjects.
    Each day, you may maintain a number of rounds of bardic performance equal to your highest mental ability modifier. If you already have the bardic performance feature from another class, you may add this amount to the number of rounds of bardic performance you get each day, even if it means adding the same ability modifier twice.
    You may spend points of inspiration as if they were rounds of bardic performance.
    ♦ Gaining the bardic performance feature gives you a rank in psiology.

    Improved Psychoacoustics (Su): You add the inspire courage +1, inspire competence +2, and fascinate bardic performances to your possible list. In addition, you may spend a round of bardic performance when making a sciblast to have the sciblast deal sonic damage. Opponents taking damage from a sonic sciblast must make a fortitude save or become dazzled and deafened for 1 round.
    You must have the psychoacoustics experiment before learning this one.
    ♦ You gain a rank in psiology.

    Cerebral Augmentation (Ps): Upon learning this experiment, you gain a pool of daily power points equal to your highest mental ability modifier. If you already have power points, you add this amount to your existing power point pool, even if it means adding the same ability modifier in twice.
    You also gain a psionic power, with a maximum power level equal to your psiology ranks after taking this ability.
    You may spend points of inspiration as if they were power points.
    You may take this experiment more than once, selecting a new power each time. Each additional time you take this experiment, you use your next highest mental ability modifier (minimum +1), so that after choosing this experiment 3 times, you will have added in all three mental ability modifiers.
    ♦ Gaining power points gives you a rank in psiology. You also gain a rank in psiology each additional time you take this experiment.

    Spoiler: Technology

    Basic Firearms (Te): You gain the gunsmith class feature as a first level gunslinger, including the battered firearm and the gunsmithing bonus feat. You reduce the penalty for non-proficiency with firearms by 2, but only when using your starting firearm or another that you create. The misfire chance on your firearms is increased by 1.
    ♦ Gaining the gunsmith feature gives you a rank in technology.

    Trap Expert (Ex): You gain the trapfinding feature as a rogue of half your level. If you already have the trapfinding feature from another class, you instead add your levels in this class to that one to determine the bonus from your trapfinding. Furthermore, when you successfully disarm a trap, you gain gold or components equal in value to one-quarter the trap's cost (half the cost to make the trap).
    ♦ Gaining the trapfinding feature gives you a rank in technology.

    Clockwork Companion (Te): This ability functions much like the clockwork familiar ability, but grants you a battle-worthy construct companion, rather than a utility-based one. This companion has the same stats as one belonging to a druid three levels lower than you, except as noted here.
    • The clockwork companion is a construct, rather than an animal or magical beast. Recalculate its health, BAB, saves and skill ranks as needed for this creature type.
    • It gains construct traits.
    Spoiler: Construct Traits
    • No constitution score. Any DCs or other Statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty).
    • Low-light vision, darkvision 60 feet.
    • Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
    • Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
    • Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired by its master (see below)
    • Not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
    • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
    • Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
    • A construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
    • Does not breathe, eat, or sleep.
    • It can be repaired with a craft or disable device check, as though it were a heal check.
    • It gets 10 bonus health for every size above tiny.
    • A clockwork companion does not gain the link or devotion abilities of an animal companion.
    • You must pay 100 gold per class level when increasing the size of your clockwork companion, in addition to the 200 gold per class level should you need to build a new one.
    • Having a much hardier and well-armored frame, the clockwork companion gains a natural armor bonus 2 points higher than normal, and has the hardness of the material it is crafted from (usually steel, hardness 10).
    • The clockwork companion gains a small charge of energy from his master every morning. The scientist spends any amount of inspiration points in this process, granting the companion that same amount for the rest of the day. The companion may only use these points to activate spellrunes applied to itself.
    • A clockwork companion can be designed to hold one spellrune as part of its composition, plus one additional spellrune per size category above tiny.
    • A clockwork companion is crudely intelligent, capable of understanding verbal commands from its master and carrying out common tasks.
    You must be at least level 4 and have 3 ranks in technology before selecting this experiment. You may take this experiment more than once, gaining an additional clockwork companion each time, but each level you may choose only one companion whose stats to increase.
    ♦ You gain a rank in technology.

    Spoiler: Cross-Collegiate

    Genetic Alteration (Su): You have found a long forgotten aspect of your history, and alterations to it have allowed you to become more than you were.
    • If you are a construct, this has no effect on you.
    • If you are a humanoid, you gain an additional humanoid subtype, or you may gain the monstrous humanoid, dragon, or fey creature type.
    • If you are an outsider, you gain an additional outsider subtype and you may shift your alignment in one step toward that subtype's typical alignment.
    • If you are an undead, you gain your original (living) creature type.
    • If you are any other creature type, you gain an additional creature type (except construct).
    You are treated at all times as a member of all applicable creature types and subtypes. If an ability or spell would have different effects for each of your types, follow the result for your original type. If an effect would fail for one type but succeed for another, then it succeeds for you.
    ♦♦/♦ You gain a rank in biology, and you gain a rank in physiology the first time you take this experiment. You may take this experiment more than once.

    Spellforging (Te): You gain the ability to create spellrunes, complex metallic glyphs which mimic spell effects. Creating a spellrune costs the same as making a potion, and has the same DC. There is a 15% failure chance that any spellrune you make is inert, and has no effects when activated.
    Activating a spellrune is a swift action if you are holding or wearing it, or a standard action if it is on another person. Activating a spellrune costs one point of inspiration per spell level of the effect it will create. Alternatively, as a full-round action, the scientist can activate any number of spellrunes on his person by spending 1 point of inspiration for each one.
    Spellrunes often have additional effort required before their effects are released. In the case of an offensive spell (one requiring an attack roll, or which opponents must make will or fort saves against) the spellrune must be thrown or pressed against the defending creature as part of an attack. Spellrunes designed for this purpose have a thrown range increment of 20 ft, and look like little metallic discs. Spellrunes which provide protection or benefits to the target are created to take up a magical item spot, such as the wrists or hands. Spellrunes cannot be designed for the eye or ring slots. Spellrunes which provide area effects or create things are designed as larger pentagonal discs roughly a foot wide. These spellrunes release their effect when thrown, but do so centered on the spellrunes' location.
    Spellrunes which create cones or lines are hand-held, and emanate from the caster. Some spells, such as fireball, can be created as attack-type or area type spellrunes.
    Spellrunes become inert and inactive after 1 week. Spellrunes use your caster level, or your theurgy ranks, for their caster level, whichever is higher.
    The highest level spellrune you can create is equal to your ranks in theurgy. You must be able to cast the spell to be made into a spellrune, or you must have it in your lexicon or available from a nearby scroll.
    You must have at least two ranks in theurgy and one rank in technology before taking this experiment.
    ♦♦ You gain a rank in theurgy and technology.

    Regenerative Serum: You create a powerful medicine which destroys damaged cells and rebuilds them anew. You may make up to 3 doses per day, and each dose is only good for one day, after which the medicine becomes inert. Consuming the medicine gives a creature fast healing for 1 minute, after an initial onset period of 2 rounds. This medicine costs 100 gold per dose per point of fast healing granted, and the maximum fast healing value is equal to your intelligence modifier at the time of creation.
    There is a 30% failure chance when consuming the medicine that there was an error in its creation which makes it harmful to consume. Reduce the failure chance by 1% per rank you possess in alchemy or physiology. Should the medicine fail, treat the medicine as a poison with the following traits:
    Onset Frequency Initial Effect 2nd Effect Cure
    2 rounds 1/round for 10 rounds fatigued 1 minute 1 Con penalty 2 consecutive saves
    The cure DC is equal to the normal DC for your experiments. The Con penalty expires 1 minute after the onset period.
    You must have at least one rank in physiology and alchemy to learn this experiment.
    ♦♦ You gain a rank in physiology and alchemy.

    Biograft (Su): You have learned to alter yourself to create natural weapons. This process takes 1 day, has a 20% chance of failure. Reduce this failure chance by 2% per rank you possess in physiology. If you fail, you have crippled yourself and take 2 points of dex damage, as well as a -1 permanent dex penalty.
    If you succeed, you gain one natural weapon, permanently, as a creature of your size. This includes the gaining of additional organs as needed (in the example of a tail or wing attack), but these additional organs serve no purpose other than your attacks. In the case of a slam, your arms and shoulders get slightly larger.
    The maximum number of natural weapons a creature may have from this ability is equal to their constitution modifier (minimum 1). If you possess at least 5 ranks in biology, you may use this ability on other willing or helpless creatures.
    You must have a rank in physiology and biology before selecting this experiment.
    ♦♦ You gain a rank in physiology and biology.

    Erratic Evolution (Su): You have learned to alter your body into that of another species, and can change form on a regular basis. Select one animal species of your choice. You may change into that type of animal once per day as a standard action, and may remain in that form for up to 1 minute per rank you possess in physiology or biology, before changing back as another standard action. This counts as the wildshape class feature gained by a 4th level druid; if you already possess the wildshape feature from another class, add your ranks in biology to that class' levels to determine the maximum duration of your wildshape.
    You must have 3 ranks in biology before selecting this experiment.
    ♦♦ Gaining the wildshape class feature gives you a rank in physiology and biology.

    Body and Mind as One (Ex): You may spend any items from the following list as if they were other items from the list: rounds of rage, rounds of bardic performance, grit points, arcane pool points, ki points, and inspiration points. You may spend 4 points from any of these sources for one of the following effects, if you have it: channel energy, lay on hands, summon monster, hex, bomb, or any ability usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + (ability modifier). Likewise, you may spend one effect from the second list to add 4 points of inspiration to your pool.
    You must have at least one rank in physiology and two ranks in psiology to learn this experiment.
    ♦ You gain a rank in physiology and psiology.

    Metallurgy: Learning this experiment allows you to create metallic alloys which combine the properties of different metals.
    Attempting this experiment uses metal which must be purchased separately, and there is a 15% chance that the materials will be destroyed in the process. If your experiment succeeds, figure the stats for the new substance by averaging the stats of its base substances. For example, Adamantine has 40 HP/inch and hardness 20; Mythril has 30 HP/inch and hardness 15, and reduces weight by 50%. An alloy of Adamantine and Mithral would have 35 HP/inch and 17 hardness, and would weigh 75% of the normal weight.
    Alloys possess all additional special qualities of both base materials, such as an adamantine weapon's ability to bypass hardness or an adamantine armor's bonus DR/--.
    Alloys are always created at a 2:1 ratio, as the lesser parts of each base substance are destroyed or consumed in the process; 1 ingot of adamantine and 1 ingot of mithral will yield 1 ingot of their alloy. Steel, bronze, or other cheap materials may be used to reduce the cost of creation, but essentially produce weaker alloys because of this. When attempting to calculate the stats on an alloy-based item as opposed to a normal one, assume the normal version of the item was made with steel.
    Working an alloy is complicated, and increases the craft DC for items made from them by +2. Only the scientist may craft items from his alloys.
    You must have at least one rank in alchemy before learning this experiment.
    ♦♦ You gain a rank in technology and alchemy.

    Clockwork Familiar (Te): You design and build a clockwork familiar, small enough to perch on your shoulder or hide in a large pocket. This familiar has the same stats as one belonging to a wizard, except as noted here.
    • The clockwork familiar is a construct, rather than an animal or magical beast. Recalculate its health, BAB, saves and skill ranks as needed for this creature type.
    • It gains construct traits.
    Spoiler: Construct Traits
    • No constitution score. Any DCs or other Statistics that rely on a Constitution score treat a construct as having a score of 10 (no bonus or penalty).
    • Low-light vision, darkvision 60 feet.
    • Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).
    • Immunity to bleed, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.
    • Cannot heal damage on its own, but often can be repaired by its master (see below)
    • Not subject to ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or nonlethal damage.
    • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
    • Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
    • A construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
    • Does not breathe, eat, or sleep.
    • It can be repaired with a craft or disable device check, as though it were a heal check.
    • If it gets to be small size or larger, it gets 10 bonus health for every size above tiny.
    • The master does not get a creature specific benefit from his clockwork familiar (a raven's appraise bonus, for example).
    • The clockwork familiar does not gain the empathic link, alertness, speak with others of its kind, spell resistance, or scry on familiar features of a normal familiar.
    • If the scientist has at least 2 ranks in psiology, he may attach fittings to the familiar which grant him the alertness and scry on familiar features he would otherwise be deprived of, gaining them at the appropriate levels. He gains scry on familiar as a (Te) ability when he does so.
    • The clockwork familiar gains a small charge of energy from his master every morning. The scientist spends any amount of inspiration points in this process, granting the familiar that same amount for the rest of the day. The familiar may only use these points to activate spellrunes and other technological (Te) abilities and items.
    • A clockwork familiar can be designed to hold one spellrune as part of its composition, plus one additional spellrune per size category above tiny.
    • A clockwork familiar is crudely intelligent, capable of understanding verbal commands from its master and carrying out common tasks.
    The Scientist may take the improved familiar feat if he has at least 2 ranks in biology to increase the complexity and strength of his clockwork familiar. A familiar may only use spell-like abilities from a spell level up to the scientist's theurgy rank.
    You must have at least 1 rank in technology and theurgy to select this experiment.
    ♦ You gain a rank in technology.

    Advanced Firearms (Te): You gain exotic weapon proficiency (firearms) as a bonus feat, and your firearms have the normal misfire chance. You may also build and design advanced firearms regardless of their rarity and relative era.
    You gain a small grit pool equal to your highest ability score modifier (other than strength or constitution). If you already have a grit pool, you may add this amount to that pool, even if it means adding in the same ability modifier twice.
    You may spend 1 grit point as a swift action for any of the following effects, in addition to any effects you already had available to you:
    • Your next attack with a firearm is against touch AC for twice the normal distance and deals extra damage equal to your technology rank.
    • Ignore an amount of attack roll penalty from your weapon (such as the broken condition) equal to your technology rank, and an amount of attack roll penalty on you (such as the dazzled or shaken condition) equal to your physiology rank.
    • Your next attack with a firearm ignores half of the miss chance from partial concealment and half the range increment penalties.
    You may spend points of inspiration as if they were grit points.
    Your grit pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.
    You must have the basic firearms experiment before selecting this one.
    ♦♦ Gaining the grit feature gives you a rank in physiology. You gain a rank in technology.

    Skeletal Transformation: With intense chemical alteration and a bit of arcane power, you are able to convert the bones of a creature into another material. This process takes 4 days of prep and 1 day per limb to be modified (counting the head, wings, tail, and torso as limbs) and costs 500 gold per limb. This experiment has a 25% chance of failure, and causes a permanent -2 dex penalty should this occur. Reduce this failure chance by 1% per rank you possess in biology or physiology.
    If you succeed, then the exterior layer of bone in the target limb is converted to a new material. The default change is "common metal", but other changes are possible at an additional cost, as shown below. Because you are changing the composition of your bones rather than adding material to them, you cannot use metallurgical alloys in this process.
    The weight of the creature undergoing the procedure is increased by a certain percentage for every limb modified in this way. The HP/bone is assuming a medium sized creature; double this value for each increase in size, and halve it for each reduction. Natural weapons in the modified limb deal +1 damage and get a +1 enhancement bonus to their attack roll. Natural weapons on the treated limbs are also considered manufactured weapons, and masterwork quality. They can be made magical as well, as if they were a weapon. Treat every natural attack as a separate weapon for these purposes.
    Limbs treated in this way cannot normally be regrown or regenerated naturally, and must be treated again (changed to bone) to repair permanent damage. Certain spells that repair broken items can be used on broken limbs to allow natural healing to begin.
    Treat the increase in body weight as part of the creature's load carried for the purposes of encumbrance and carrying capacity. This penalty is removed after 1 month per modified limb.
    Material Cost Hardness HP/bone Weight Other effects
    Bone -- 5 15 -- -- (this is the default composition)
    Stone -200 gp 8 20 +2% no damage bonus
    Common Metal -- 10 30 +3% -- (use for steel, iron, bronze, etc.)
    Alchemical Silver +100 gp 8 20 +3% no damage bonus, alchemical silver weapon properties
    Cold Iron +500 gp 10 30 +3% cold iron weapon properties
    Living Steel +500 gp 10 30 +3% allows normal regeneration and healing
    Crystal +1000 gp 20 5 +2% common crystalline weapon properties.
    Mithral +1500 gp 15 30 +1% weapons bypass Silver DR
    Diamond +4000 gp 20 10 +2% true crystalline weapon properties
    Adamantine +5000 gp 20 40 +3% weapons bypass hardness < 20, creature gains +2 DR/-- if all limbs are adamantine.
    You must have 2 ranks in physiology and 1 rank in any other college before learning this experiment.
    ♦♦ You gain 1 rank in physiology and alchemy.
    Last edited by gr8artist; 2014-04-01 at 11:55 AM.
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    Current avatar: Charza Sahlaren, by gr8artist