Sorry, responding to a quote already...
Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
I'd like to make a suggestion for the next thread - a "tax", if you like. If you want to post a link to a negative news article (and please do - it's important to raise awareness of stuff like this), you also have to post a link to a positive article as well, even the positive stuff is only on a small scale.

Awareness of LGBT problems is important but it's important to have hope as well.
I respect the intention behind that suggestion, but I feel it's not going to work out very well, first due to the somewhat limited amount of LGBT-related good news available, secondly because there are articles that, while intended as unambiguously positive by whoever post them, are going to be interpreted more negatively by some, who are therefore not going to feel more hopeful. (Non-controversial example: there are videos of cute kitties, posted in good faith, that managed to make viewers feel worse after watching for a big variety of reasons.)
Also, more personally, I'm not fond of self-censorship for the sake of hiding an unpleasant, but factual, event. Might just be me though.
Spoilering them though, that'd be great.
Just my two cents, others may agree entirely with you and that'd not be a bad thing, etc etc.