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    Default Re: Tall Tale (3.5 Base Class Contest Winner)

    Tall Tale Feats

    Deceptive Target:
    By a combination of body language, agility, and mundane prestidigitation you can momentarily mislead an opponent as to your actual location causing them to strike out at a friend or ally or even simply empty space.
    Prerequisites: Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Sleight of Hand), Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Hide or Bluff), Dodge.
    Benefits: You may make a Sleight of Hand, Bluff, or Hide check in response to being attacked. If you beat the attacker’s opposed Sense Motive check the attack automatically misses you and you may designate one target within their melee reach (if it were a melee attack) or within 10-ft of you +10-ft per tier of Exaggerated Skill (Sleight of Hand) above Lesser and range of the attack (if it were a ranged attack) to be targeted instead. You may only use this ability once per encounter.

    Once you have Sleight of Hand and either Bluff or Hide as Greater Exaggerated Skills you may now use this ability on targeted spells that do not require an attack roll.

    Once you have Sleight of Hand and either Bluff or Hide as Storied Exaggerated Skills you may now use this ability once per encounter per creature.

    Exaggerated Armor:
    A true smith is a master of armor both in its creation and its use.
    Prerequisites: Lesser Exaggerated Skill Craft (Armorsmithing).
    Benefits: You never suffer non-proficiency penalties for armor you wear and made yourself. When wearing armor you made yourself its armor bonus to your AC is increased by 2 + 1 per tier of Exaggerated Skill Craft (Armorsmithing) above Lesser you have obtained, and its Armor Check Penalty is reduced by the same amount. In addition you may apply 1/2 your Armor bonus (including enhancement) to your Touch AC.

    Exaggerated Grace:
    You are a true master of those trades you have studied and move with an exaggerated ease even in armor when performing them.
    Prerequisites: Exaggerated Skill in any skill which suffers an Armor Check Penalty. In addition you increase the maximum Dexterity bonus of any armor you wear by 1 + 1 per tier of Exaggerated Skill you have above Least.
    Benefit: You never suffer an armor check penalty when making a skill check for a skill you have as an exaggerated skill, even if you are not proficient in the armor worn.

    Exaggerated Performance:
    Despite not being a Tall Tale you are no slouch in the performance of songs of power.
    Prerequisites: Perform (any Instrumental) 7 ranks, Inspire Competence.
    Benefit: You gain the ability to perform a song on any instrument you have at least 7 ranks of which duplicates one of the songs associated with a Tall Tale's Perform (TYPE OF Instrument) Least Exaggerated Skill. You use this song as if you were a Tall Tale of your total level in classes which grant or progress Bardic Music.

    Exaggerated Performance, Greater:
    You learn more and greater exaggerated performances.
    Prerequisites: Perform (any Instrumental) 13 ranks, Inspire Courage +2, Exaggerated Performance.
    Benefit: You gain the ability to perform a second exaggerated song. This may either be another from the list of Least Songs or one from the list for the Perform (TYPE OF Instrument) Lesser Exaggerated Skill.

    Exaggerate Performance, True
    You are capable of heights of skill with your songs which twist the world itself.
    Prerequisites: Perform (any Instrumental) 17 ranks, Inspire Courage +3, Greater Exaggerated Performance.
    Benefits: You gain the ability to perform a third exaggerated song. This may either be another from the list of Least Songs, the list of Lesser Songs, or one from the list for the Perform (TYPE OF Instrument) Greater Exaggerated Skill.

    Exaggerated Silver Tongue [General]
    A master of the quick and clever tongue can use it to convince creatures to act in ways often contrary to their normal natures.
    Prerequisites: Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Bluff), Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Diplomacy).
    Benefits: You gain the following additional uses of the Bluff and Diplomacy skills.
    • 2/day you may make a Diplomacy check (DC 10 + creature’s hit dice) to charm a target creature as if using the Charm Monster spell except: This is an Extraordinary ability, the creature must be able to hear you speak and understand you, this ability lasts 10 minutes per character level, and the Will save to resist is DC 10 +1/2 (ranks in Bluff -3) + your charisma modifier.
    • 2/day you may make a Bluff check (DC 5 + creature’s hit dice) to confuse a creature as the spell confusion except: This is an Extraordinary ability, the creature must be able to hear you speak, this ability lasts 10 minutes per character level, and the Will save to resist is DC 10 +1/2 (ranks in Bluff -3) + your charisma modifier.
    • In addition 1/day you may make a Bluff check opposed by the targets Diplomacy check to trick a target into saying something, either words of your choosing or revealing a secret of their own. If words of your choosing they gain a +4 bonus to the check.
    For each additional tier of Exaggerated Skill you obtain in both Bluff and Diplomacy you gain an extra daily use of each of these abilities.

    Fabled Deflection:
    Your intense focus allows you to deflect extraordinary projectiles, noting the perfect moment to turn their force aside and striking with the reflexes and timing to deflect it.
    Prerequisites: Deflect Arrows and either Monk Level 6+ or Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Concentration).
    Benefits: You may use the Deflect Arrow feat to deflect rays, ranged touch spells, thrown boulders, projectiles fired by siege weapons, and other abnormal ranged weapons.

    Legendary Perception:
    Your senses are renown even among Tall Tales stretching far beyond other mortals'.
    Prerequisites: Least Exaggerated Skill (Listen or Spot).
    Benefits: The distance penalty on Listen or Spot checks is halved for whichever skill you have as an Exaggerated Skill, or both if you have both as Exaggerated Skills. For example if you have the Storied Exaggerated Skill in Spot you suffer only a -1 to Spot per 400-ft of distance.

    Master of Few Jack of All:
    You are able to apply your insight in your Exaggerated Skills to other related skills.
    Prerequisites: 2 or more Exaggerated Skills.
    Benefits: When making a skill check for a skill that you have an Exaggerated Skill that shares a key ability score with it you may substitute your modifier for your Exaggerated Skill for the skill in question; you may even use this ability to make trained only skill checks untrained. You may only do this 1/day for any given skill (you may substitute the same Exaggerated Skill any number of times).
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times, if you do you may use it an extra time per day per skill for each additional time you take this feat.

    Master Jack:
    Your insight in your Exaggerated Skills helps you apply even more talent to other tasks.
    Prerequisites: 3 or more Lesser Exaggerated Skills.
    Benefits: 3 times per day you may, as a free action, gain the benefits of a Least Exaggerated Skill (including temporary skill ranks in it to bring it to full ranks or your Tall Tale level +3 whichever is lower) for 1 minute. This skill must share a key ability score with an Exaggerated Skill you have at the Lesser tier or better; if it shares one with an Exaggerated Skill you have at the Storied tier you also gain the benefits of its Lesser Exaggerated Skill.
    Special: You may take this feat multiple times, if you do each additional time you take it grants you 3 extra uses of it each day.

    Master of the Magic Sack [General]
    A true master of a magic sack can pull out from it not only items that were there, but ones that have the potential to be there.
    Prerequisites: Character level 12+, Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Craft) and Lesser Exaggerated Skill (Use Magic Device).
    Benefits: As a standard action you may reach into a container that contains a non-dimensional space (either a bag of holding, or similar item, or a container made that way due to your Use Magic Device Exaggerated Skill) and create a magic item pulling it out of the bag. To do so you must expend all the normal resources (spells if any, gold, and XP) needed to create the magic item, including the relevant item creation feat, but you do not need specific items simply their value in gold (for example to create a +1 longsword you’d need 1315 gold piece; as it normally requires 1000 GP to enchant a 315 GP masterwork longsword); you may still use specific items that would normally be necessary instead of their value in wealth. In addition you may expend items from the container to pay for half of their value (for example you could use a +1 longsword to provide a 1157.5 GP value; or to make a different +1 longsword). All wealth or items used in the construction must already be within the container (you may not use a longsword in a different container, or wealth carried elsewhere). Any item created must be able to fit within the container, and be within the proper size to be able to pulled out. You may only use this ability three times per day.

    This is a supernatural ability.

    Masterful Bluff:
    You bluff reality itself, convincing it that all tasks are easy for you.
    Prerequisites: Least Exaggerated Skill (Bluff).
    Benefits: You may use your Bluff skill modifier in place of that of any other Exaggerated Skill you have and, twice per day, may use it in place of any skill's modifier when making a skill check, even if that skill is trained only and you lack ranks in it; you must declare your use of this ability before making the skill roll. You may use this ability an extra time each day for every level of Exaggerated Skill (Bluff) beyond Least you have obtained (i.e. Lesser, Greater, Storied).

    Reflect Rays
    You may reflect rays fired at you towards a new target within the original range of the ray.
    Prerequisites: Deflect Rays class feature or Fabled Deflection.
    Benefit: When you deflect a ray through Deflect Arrows you may reflect it at a target within its range using you as its origin with a -5 penalty to hit. If you can deflect multiple rays you may only reflect rays up to the number of attacks you are allotted due to your Base Attack Bonus and suffer an additional -5 penalty to hit per ray beyond the first.

    Skill Adept [General]
    You are capable of drawing out even greater heights of potency from those skills you have chosen to specialize in.
    Prerequisites: Skill Focus or Sublime Skill Focus.
    Benefit: You gain an additional +3 bonus to any skill for which you have Skill Focus or gain a bonus to from Sublime Skill Focus.

    Skill Adept, Exaggerated:
    You are capable of performing Exaggerated feats with those skills you have chosen to focus in.
    Prerequisites: Skill Adept.
    Benefit: You gain the ability to further activate Skill Focus feats you possess and/or the Sublime Skill Focus feat each once per day as a free action (if you have 3 instances of Skill Focus you can activate each one separately once per day). When you activate a feat this way you gain the associated Least Exaggerated Skill of the skill that feat grants a bonus to if you did not already have it, maintaining that benefit for 1 minute; if you have at least 16 ranks in the associated skill you gain the benefits of the Lesser Exaggerated Skill associated with it as well. Your Tall Tale level for the purpose of Exaggerated Skills granted to you by this feat is your Tall Tale level or 1/2 your Character level (whichever is higher). If you use this ability to activate Sublime Skill Focus and switch stances (thus switching the skill benefiting from Sublime Skill Focus) the granted Exaggerated Skill switches as well.

    Unbelievable Deflection:
    Concentrating on a potential threat you are able to ward off even the most disperse of ranged attacks, warding off the dangerous breath of a mighty dragon, the fiery blast of an evoker, a toxic cloud, or other dangerous area effect.
    Prerequisites: Deflect Arrows, Fabled Deflection, and either Monk level 11+ or Greater Exaggerated Skill (Concentration).
    Benefits: You may use your Deflect Arrow feat to block area of effect attacks such as a breath weapon, any spell with an area of effect, or any spell which deals damage and allows a Reflex save for no or reduced effect. When you do so your space and all squares adjacent to you are considered to be a solid wall for the purposes of the spell's line of effect (meaning that if the spells point of origin is within 5-ft of you the spell is completely contained).

    Unbelievable Tale:
    Your ability to bluff reality itself is truly remarkable, by any definition.
    Prerequisites: Masterful Bluff, Storied Exaggerated Skill (Bluff).
    Benefits: When using your Storied Exaggerated Skill (Bluff) you may duplicate 7th level spells within its normal limits, and may instead duplicate a Limited Wish spell with no XP cost.

    Exaggerated Skills and Pathfinder:
    General: Grant ranks equal to your level when gained and 1/level thereafter and any Exaggerated Skill that grants a fly speed may be used in place of the Fly skill when using its flight speed.
    Concentration: Does not exist.
    Disable Device/Open Locks: Grants ranks in Disable Device.
    Balance/Jump/Tumble: Grants ranks in Acrobatics. If you take more than one instead of gaining additional bonus ranks you gain a +3 miscellaneous bonus to Acrobatics checks, this increases to +6 if you have all 3.
    Listen/Search/Spot: Grants ranks in Perception. Reduction to penalties from Listen and Spot do not stack (only the better applies). If you take more than one instead of gaining additional bonus ranks you gain a +3 miscellaneous bonus to Perception checks, this increases to +6 if you have all 3.
    Decipher Script/Forgery: Grants ranks in Linguistics. This means you gain languages twice.
    Hide: Grants ranks in Stealth.

    You may select this skill even if you do not have a means of reliable flight.
    Least: Whenever you deal damage to a creature that is flying it must make a Fly check (DC 10 + the damage dealt) or be unable to fly for 1d4 rounds +1/4 Tall Tale levels you possess. The creature does not immediately plummet, but instead descends straight down at a rate of 50-ft a round unable to move through flight.

    Lesser: You gain the ability to fly at your land speed.

    Greater: Once per round when you are attacked while you are flying you may make a Fly check in response to the attack as a free action, after you know whether the attack would hit or miss (but before damage is rolled). If your Fly check is greater than the attack roll of the attack the attack misses. Your fly speed is now twice your land speed.

    Storied: You gain Improved Evasion when flying. Your flight speed now equals four times your Tall Tale level. While you are flying you gain a Dodge bonus to your AC, and a competence bonus to Reflex saves, and a competence bonus on attack rolls, equal to one-half your Dexterity bonus.
    Last edited by Zaydos; 2016-02-08 at 12:09 AM.
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