Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post
For those who were interested in the Grand Ball-

I'm planning on starting the action this round, inviting everyone to the event. Next round is when it will happen, and so it will be my last action of this round.

The trick is, if I invite everyone, does it take one action for each attending member? Do we want to do a summary in our individual posts for what happens in the event? What do you guys think?
The only thing is if everyone is invited, what year would it end up being in? Did anyone compare the distances between the most convenient Grand Ball location and the outermost regions to medieval forms of travel? How long would it take for the messengers to get the invitation out?

Some people have already used only one action per alliance rather than one action per member affiliated with the alliance. Would this be the same concept? (Was that allowed? I hope so. Spending 3 actions on 1 alliance seemed ridiculous.)

Also, it means something happens other than the trade/marriage/train troops/form alliance -fest which has been (quite understandably) the first round.