Quote Originally Posted by Morph Bark View Post
So Copper and Tin mines then? Those two together I don't mind, as tin has few general uses that other metals can't do, and copper and bronze are similar in a lot of ways. (Obviously, since bronze is an alloy of copper.)

Also, Sam, have you read my earlier post directed at you? (Well, mostly at you.)
Copper and tin, yes. Tin because it's lightweight, Copper because someday we may have electricity, but Bronze together because it's gonna be good for a decent while.

Honestly, I'm fine with just re-rolling every time, though I would think most of the fellows would have high-ish curiosity/military/diplomacy, and low faith/luck. Perhaps we can say that one of the stats will stay the same with each change, due to the influence of the previous Doge's policy?