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Thread: Request an Oots Style Avatar XXIII

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Request an Oots Style Avatar XXIII

    Quote Originally Posted by TrueJordan View Post
    Hey, so this might be a weird request. Can you make a guy that:

    - Has a black business suit with a black tie, holding a gnarled quarterstaff in his right hand and casually leaning on a rhinoceros with his left shoulder? His other hand, if possible, can be holding a jug o' beer, but if that's too hard it doesn't really matter.
    -He's smiling. His hair is short and brown, though it's not so important, and he should be wearing a black skullcap like so:

    -The rhino... if possible can look cheerful? Or something, the expression doesn't matter so much. And if you can't fit the entire rhino in, that's fine, as long as the avatar can be leaning on something identifiable as a rhino.


    A little background, I guess, he's a high level druid 20 with an optimized rhino and too much charisma score. So if you think of anything, feel free to add. If you can give him stubble that'd be excellent; glasses are also a plus but not absolutely necessary.

    I realize this is asking quite a bit now... dang. My bad. No pressure, people.
    Fourth repost
    Last edited by TrueJordan; 2014-01-26 at 12:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam K View Post
    Sun Tzu never had tier problems. If he had to deal with D&D, the art of war would read "Full casters or GTFO".