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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Re: Ruceeglaelsktinag: "Justifiable Genocide", Contradiction in terms? (IC)

    Sir Luskwood rises in his wagon and gets dressed. It has been approximately two months since he has joined the military. It has thus far been uneventful; mostly basic training, and the occasional liaison duty for arrangement of supplies. This might change today.

    He has hardly finished his breakfast when he got the message summoning him to meet a... kobold and a wyrmling?... outside the commander's tent, to accompany them for a mission.

    He spots them almost instantly; despite having never seen a kobold before, it's hard to miss a reptile with large goggles and fangs, as has been described in the message, less still the shiny brass wyrmling accompying him. He clears his throat as he walks up to them.

    "Greetings, gentlemen. I am Sir Luskwood, at your service. I have orders to accompany you on your mission?"

    He stands confidently, with average height and lanky build. His skin is slightly dark, but his ears clearly display an elven heritage. He is wearing a mithril chain shirt, a pith helmet, and a brass monocle, and is holding a black-painted, silver-filigreed cane. He leads a lightly burdened, saddled mule by his side.
    Last edited by Spheniscine; 2014-01-28 at 11:02 PM.