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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Prehysterical's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Lawton, OK

    Default Re: Ruceeglaelsktinag: "Justifiable Genocide", Contradiction in terms? (IC)

    Scene Reptile
    Before Vaex can state an objection, Forseti is lifted up into the air. When the baby dragon is back on the ground, the kobold lets loose a reptilian hiss.

    "You've only just met us, Mebar, so I am going to explain something to you right now. Forseti is my responsibility and I won't stand for random magic being cast on him. If you so much as wiggle your fingers at him without permission, or for anything less than life-saving purposes, I will make you regret it. Do you understand?"

    "As for your liking me or not, I do not care. So long as we don't kill each other by the end of the mission, that will be enough for me. You need not worry about providing me with these 'gifts'. If you what say is true, I will likely be beyond the range of your abilities once the mission is underway. Besides, I am used to taking care of myself. Perhaps the others could benefit more from your 'graces'."

    "So, you know our names. Now that introductions have been completed, shall we go find the 'heroic professionals' of our group?"
    Last edited by Prehysterical; 2014-02-02 at 10:47 PM.