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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: What LA would you say Magic Immunity is worth?

    I'm going to disagree with the idea that Magic Immunity is worth a high LA.

    LA sucks, it's a terrible system that asks you to trade off class levels for abilities. When it's your class levels that should be giving you abilities in the first place.

    Let's look at some of the consequences of Magic Immunity.

    Mundanes/Partial Casters: No 'SR: Yes' buffs (unless you are able to spend your standard actions to lower your Magic Immunity and no resurrections. You can't even poach off of the party wizard for spells. Meaning to even contribute you are probably completely reliant on magic items, which you can't even craft yourself. Congratulations, you've lost several class levels (which may or may not have sucked anyway, so there's that) for an ability that hoses you almost as much as your enemies.

    Full Casters: Same as above, except you can still contribute and that the level's that you've lost are never worth it. But those 5-6 levels that you just lost, those are your highest level spells. And all for a crappy defense that isn't that hard to actually bypass. Sure, you have another layer of defenses, but you've lost so many caster levels to make that pointless. The worst part? Getting Magic Immunity is possible with the right methods. (Sure, those methods are cheesy and aren't going to be allowed in most low-op games. The point is, if a caster really wanted to, he could get this without losing anything.)

    So for ECL 20 fighters and monks? Sure Magic Immunity might actually be worth those lost caster levels, except you can still be affected by some of the nastier spells. But that's mainly because ECL 20 tier 5 characters suck.

    I wouldn't put the LA at any more than +3 for a version that can be lowered. +0 if you can't lower the immunity. No buffs is absolutely killer for any class.
    Last edited by 3WhiteFox3; 2014-01-31 at 04:30 AM.
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