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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Noncivilized World: Message in a Dream IC

    Aidan's arrow misses it's target and disappears to the forest. Asha runs forward invisible reaching the other tree. When she looks up, she sees the creature lurking in it. It is vaguely the shape of a humanoid, though is has strange proportions, a potruding belly, and a pair of claws in place of hands. It's head reminds her slightly of a spider's, and it's glancing widely around, trying to locate the source of the footsteps.

    From the other tree another lump of web comes flying towards Aidan.
    It hits and the hunter finds himself stuck where he stands.
    Entangled and can't move. Escape Artist DC 13 or Str DC 17 will get him loose. I'm sorry, this really isn't his day.

    While retrieving his scroll, Kanok remembers old tales of beings that stood like humanoids, but had the eyes and abilities of a spider, though few had ever been seen as far north as his tribe lived. The tales mentioned their ability to throw webs and to climb with great speed. The most scary ones also told of victims rendered helpless... by the creature's poison. Oh, and that they were carnivores.

    Last edited by CWater; 2014-02-05 at 05:55 AM.
    Alamryn Kven, a druid who tries very hard not to be useless.
    Celesta Halla, a fearless barbarian.
    Jheren Falconer, a drifter ranger.
    Rhenner Calami, a snarky medic with an untrustworthy memory.

    DMing Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs and The Pirate Dream: Sliced Heart