Quote Originally Posted by C'nor View Post
Remind me to never, ever, accept an invitation to a feast in the northern countries.
We're not that bad. In fact, we're usually rather pleasant.
Except the King of Ashenia... Don't visit him, he can be an absolute pain in formal settings.

Quote Originally Posted by lt_murgen View Post
On a completely different note,

can we name the two main bodies of water? My thoughts:

The Great Deeps or The Blue Sea: ocean to the far east.

The Sea of The Golden Sun or The Yellow sea: the one in the middle.
Quote Originally Posted by Rain Dragon View Post
I'm not sure why one couldn't do that, but for example while your people might call it by that name, my people would definitely call it something else.
Indeed. Ashenite's typically refer to the sea far to the East as "The Great Sea" and the sea in the middle as the "Sea of Crima".
The sea south of Genivana and Hrathan and Tuor is typically referred to as the "Sea of Tuor", the sea west of Woodwind and Aloren as the "Sea of Aloren" and the sea between the Jewelled Cities and region twenty-six as "The Walled Sea" and beyond region twenty-six where none have explored, "The Outer Sea".

Note, that these names refer to very old regional designations that date the back to Ashenia's mythic ancient history which I may elaborate on in future. It's a long tale based on oral traditions passed down by the roaming clans today's Ashenites are descended from and fragmentary texts kept in ancient monasteries.

You people and your lexicons... Places are complicated and can be used for many many things! Except the Sea. That's only good for travelling across and fishing. Or so we here from our more maritime friends.
And the tundra. That's only good for travelling across and hunting.
And active volcanoes. They're not good for anything. (At least until we invent the camera!)
Oh, and quicksand. What perverse thought crossed the Spirits' minds when they came up with that?