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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Upstate South Carolina

    Default Re: Noncivilized World: Message in a Dream IC


    The holy centaur saw Taesha weakening, and rushed to help. "I don't think you're in very good shape here. You seem like you're getting kind of wobbly. How bad did those spiders bite you? Let me check out your wounds more closely." Tuntematon then started treating her wounds with what he had on hand.

    "And good sir Halfling, wait! Please do not leave immediately! You seem in no shape to travel alone in these woods. In fact, I think traveling alone may be what got you in this trouble in the first place. Please, good sir, let us at least help you till dawn. And while you're here, let me tell you some of the wonders of Anlin, the Unknown One."

    Use the Heal skill to help her resist what poison is left in her system.

    Heal To Treat Poison: (1d20+2)[16]
    Last edited by Rathgar; 2014-02-12 at 02:22 PM. Reason: Added the bit about the Halfling