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Thread: [EMPIRE!] The First World's Fair

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [EMPIRE!] The First World's Fair

    Much of the things shown at the fair were impressive and new, even to an educated commoner like him, but Thamiel was more impressed with the people and the weapins they bore. Of course the swords of kings and princes would be ornate, perhaps moreso than they were useful for combat. It almost made him jealous with his less ornate blade, sheathed by his side under his coat. "By the True Fire, such wonders," he shook his head as he looked over one other presentation, glanced to the Blazing Avatar again and some nobles he conversed with and walked elsewhere. "Celero is doing pretty well, huh." He said to noone in particular.


    The Blazing Avatar gave nods of acknowledgement to the leaving Ignato men and the arriving Lord David, then smiled knowingly at Marius. "Like my letter told you, it holds the greatest treasure within. It is indeed old, perhaps I can tell you more later in private, or if you visit the Blazing Temple." He turned to Lord David, and his expression became one of a fond sadness. "The painting... It is of a woman who once won one of your contests of beauty long ago, though I know not if it was a national or a local one. She was... Very dear to me."

    He cast a look over his shoulder in direction of King Andust, and excused himself from his present company with a bow. He walked to Andust and raised a hand in greeting. "Andust, this is truly a great occasion for you. There is much to admire. I have come not merely for the Fair, however, but moreso for you. Do you remember our conversation at the Grand Ball in Lyradis many years ago?"
    Last edited by Morph Bark; 2014-03-01 at 11:13 AM.
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