Spell List and Spheres

Note: Spells not found in the Player’s Handbook are marked with superscript abbreviations. The abbreviations are: SC = Spell Compendium, PHB2 = Player’s Handbook II, BoED = Book of Exalted Deeds, SW = Stormwrack, CD = Complete Divine, CC = Complete Champion, CM = Complete Mage, NEW/EPH = a single “new” spell that was adapted from a psionic power, and RoD = Races of Destiny.

Bacchanalian Priest Spell List
0th lvl: Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Detect Magic, Read Magic,

1st lvl: Anarchic WaterSC, Axiomatic WaterSC, Bane, Bless, Bless Water, Cause Fear, Charm Person, Command, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Curse Water, Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Faith HealingSC, Inflict Light Wounds, Lesser VigorSC, Obscuring Mist, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Remove Fear, RousePHB2, Sanctuary, Silent Image, and Sleep.

2nd lvl: Aid, Bear’s Endurance, Bull’s Strength, Calm Emotions, Cat’s Grace, Consecrate, Cure Moderate Wounds, Close WoundsSC, Delay Poison, Desecrate, Eagle’s Splendor, Enthrall, Find Traps, Gentle Repose, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration, Minor Image, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy, Stay the HandPHB2, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, Touch of Idiocy, Undetectable Alignment, VertigoPHB2, and Zone of Truth.

3rd lvl: Continual Flame, Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Heroism, HesitatePHB2, Inflict Serious Wounds, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Major Image, Mass Lesser VigorSC, Protection from Energy, Rage, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Suggestion, Vertigo FieldPHB2, VigorSC, and Water Walk.

4th lvl: Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Discern Lies, Dismissal, Freedom of Movement, Glibness, Good Hope, Inflict Critical Wounds, Lesser Geas, Lesser Planar Ally, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Remove FatigueBoED, Restoration, Sending, and Tongues.

5th lvl: Atonement, Break Enchantment, CelebrationSC, Commune, Dominate, Dream, Dispel Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Feeblemind, Friend to FoePHB2, Greater Command, Greater VigorSC, Hallow, Incite RiotPHB2, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mass Inflict Light Wounds, Mass SanctuarySC, Mind Fog, Persistent Image, Plane Shift, Raise Dead, Seeming, True Seeing, and Unhallow.

6th lvl: Banishment, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Heroism, Harm, Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Mass Bear’s Endurance, Mass Bull’s Strength, Mass Cat’s Grace, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Eagle’s Splendor, Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass Suggestion, Permanent Image, Planar Ally, Programmed Image, Veil, Vigorous CircleSC, and Word of Recall.

7th lvl: Blasphemy, Dictum, Ethereal Jaunt, Greater Restoration, Holy Word, Insanity, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Mass Inflict Serious Wounds, Refuge, Regenerate, Repulsion, Resurrection, and Word of Chaos.

8th lvl: Antimagic Field, Antipathy, Cloak of Chaos, Demand, Greater Planar Ally, Holy Aura, Mass Charm Monster, Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, Shield of Law, Sympathy, and Unholy Aura.

9th lvl: Astral Projection, Dominate Monster, Etherealness, Gate, Mass Heal, Miracle, and True Resurrection.

Sphere List
Planar Sphere:
1st: Summon Monster I, Resist Planar AlignmentSC.
2nd: Summon Monster II, Avoid Planar EffectsSC, Analyze PortalSC.
3rd: Summon Monster III, Interplanar MessageSC.
4th: Summon Monster IV, Dimensional Anchor, Planar ToleranceSC.
5th: Summon Monster V, Swift EtherealnessPHB2.
6th: Summon Monster VI, Forbiddance, Shadow Walk.
7th: Summon Monster VII, Greater Plane ShiftSC, Planar BubbleSC.
8th: Summon Monster VIII, Dimensional Lock.
9th: Summon Monster IX, Planar PerinarchSC.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber is partially displaced onto the Ethereal Plane, as the Blink spell, for 1 round/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: The imbiber is more controllably displaced onto the Ethereal Plane, as the Greater BlinkSC spell, for 1 round/caster level.

Greater Special Sacrament: The imbiber is fully displaced onto the Ethereal Plane, as the Ethereal Jaunt spell, for 1 round/caster level.

Ultimate Sacrament: The ultimate planar sacrament must have a fluid base, has highly volatile properties, and is not typically drinkable. Immediately on exposure to air (such as when the flask is unstoppered or if it is thrown as a grenade-like weapon) it tears a rift that draws everything within 10ft. into the astral plane unless they succeed on a Reflex save. All unattended items within the area are affected. The rift is only open for a few milliseconds, and is thus an instantaneous effect. Creatures and items affected are not actually harmed in any way, merely deposited randomly into the astral plane.

Sacrament School: Transmutation.

Nature Sphere:
1st: Summon Nature’s Ally I, Entangle,
2nd: Summon Nature’s Ally II, Tree Shape, Animal Messenger.
3rd: Summon Nature’s Ally III, Dominate Animal.
4th: Summon Nature’s Ally IV, Command Plants, Eye of The HurricaneSC.
5th: Summon Nature’s Ally V, Commune with Nature.
6th: Summon Nature’s Ally VI, Transport via Plants, Liveoak.
7th: Summon Nature’s Ally VII, Animal Shapes, Control Weather (as druid).
8th: Summon Nature’s Ally VIII, Control Plants.
9th: Summon Nature’s Ally IX, Nature’s AvatarSC.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber develops animalistic qualities, gaining the Scent ability, a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, and a +10ft. enhancement bonus to all movement speeds. These bonuses last for 1 minute/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: The imbiber develops animalistic qualities, gaining the Scent ability, a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, a +20ft. enhancement bonus to all movement speeds, and a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor. These bonuses last for 1 minute/caster level.

Greater Special Sacrament: The imbiber is transformed, as the polymorph spell, with the following exceptions: the imbiber cannot assume the form of a creature smaller than Tiny or larger than Huge, and they can only assume the form of an animal, fey, plant or vermin. The imbiber cannot speak unless the assumed form is naturally capable of human(oid) speech. The effect lasts for 1 minute/caster level and cannot be prematurely ended by the recipient.

Ultimate Sacrament: The imbiber is affected by an effect similar to the shapechange spell, with the following exceptions: They may only assume the forms of animals, elementals, fey, magical beasts, plants, vermin, or the imbiber’s natural form; they do not gain supernatural from the assumed forms; and the effect only lasts for 1 minute/caster level.

Sacrament School: Transmutation.

Travel Sphere:
1st: Accelerated MovementSC, Longstrider.
2nd: Surefooted StrideSC, Easy TrailSC, SwimSC.
3rd: Fly, Water Breathing.
4th: Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement.
5th: Teleport, Overland Flight.
6th: GemjumpSC, Find the Path.
7th: Greater Teleport, Phase Door.
8th: Greater Plane ShiftSC, Mordenkainen’s Capable CaravelSW.
9th: Teleportation Circle, Planar NavigationSW.

Special Sacrament: All of the imbiber’s movement speeds are increased by 30ft. for 1 minute/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: The imbiber (and only the imbiber) is teleported a short distance, as the Dimension Door spell.

Greater Special Sacrament: The imbiber (and only the imbiber) is accurately teleported a great distance, as the Greater Teleport spell.

Ultimate Sacrament: The imbiber and all creatures touched are moved, with all their gear, from anywhere on any plane and placed at a location of the imbiber’s choice on any plane regardless of local conditions with no chance of error. An unwilling creature gets a Will save to negate the effect, and spell resistance (if any) applies.

Sacrament School: Transmutation (Special), Conjuration (Improved, Greater, Ultimate).

Love/Beauty Sphere:
1st: Serene VisageSC, Hypnotism.
2nd: Entice GiftSC, Elation[sup]BoED/[sup].
3rd: Mesmerizing GlareSC, Heart’s EaseBoED.
4th: Blinding BeautyBoED*, Rainbow Pattern.
5th: Sirene’s GraceSC, Rary’s Telepathic Bond.
6th: Symbol of Persuasion, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh.
7th: Nixie’s GraceSC, Empyreal EcstasyBoED.
8th: Unearthly BeautyBoED*, Spread of Contentment[sup]BoED/[sup].
9th: Sublime RevelryBoED, Monstrous ThrallCD.

*: The spells Blinding Beauty and Unearthly Beauty do not possess the [good] descriptor when cast as Bacchanalian Priest spells. In addition, Bacchanalian Priest spells never have chastity components.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber begins to emit “super pheromones” that give the imbiber a +2 alchemical bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to interact with creatures within 30 feet. This is a scent based ability, and as such, these bonuses do not apply when dealing with creatures that have no sense of smell. Creatures with the Scent ability are affected from 60 feet away and grant a +4 bonus. This aura persists for 1 minute/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: When you enchant this sacrament, you must select a subject (which can be yourself). If used as a grenade-like weapon, anyone that suffers a direct hit is targeted by a Charm Person spell, with a save DC determined by the creator, but instead of being “charmed” by the creator, they are “charmed” by the subject. The target is slightly more pliable than normal for the Charm Person spell, as they fall uncontrollably in love with the subject, as opposed to merely thinking of the subject as a very good friend. If imbibed, the imbiber is affected as though they took a direct hit, but they take a -1 penalty on their saving throw. The effect lasts 1 hour/caster level, as normal for Charm Person.

Greater Special Sacrament: The imbiber begins to emit “super pheromones” that give the imbiber a +5 alchemical bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to interact with creatures within 60 feet. This is a scent based ability, and as such, these bonuses do not apply when dealing with creatures that have no sense of smell. Creatures with the Scent ability are affected from 120 feet away and grant a +10 bonus. This aura persists for 5 minutes/caster level, however, the imbiber may prematurely end the effect in order to cast Dominate Person as a spell-like ability. Like other spell-like abilities granted by sacraments, the spell’s save DC and duration are calculated as if it were cast as a Bacchanalian Priest spell by the creator, not by the imbiber.

Ultimate Sacrament: The imbiber appears so incredibly beautiful that anyone or anything that looks upon them risks immediately falling in love. Any intelligent creature that looks at the imbiber is targeted as if by the Charm Monster spell, with a save DC and duration as if it were cast by the sacrament’s creator. On a successful save, the onlooker becomes immune to this effect for the sacrament’s remaining duration. This beauty lasts for 1 minute/caster level.

Sacrament School: Transmutation (Special, Greater, Ultimate), Enchantment (Improved).

War Sphere:
1st: Master’s TouchSC, Divine Favor.
2nd: Align Weapon, Spiritual Weapon.
3rd: Ring of BladesSC, Magic Vestment, Greater Magic Weapon.
4th: Divine Power, Flamestrike.
5th: Righteous Might, Righteous Wrath of the FaithfulSC.
6th: Blade Barrier, Spiritual GuardianCC.
7th: Mordenkainen’s Sword, Radiant AssaultSC.
8th: Earthquake, Lion’s RoarSC.
9th: Meteor Swarm, Summon GolemPHB2.

Special Sacrament: When enchanting the sacrament, the Bacchanalian Priest must choose whether to make an inspiring sacrament or a terrible sacrament. For an inspiring sacrament, the imbiber emits an aura that grants all friendly creatures within 10ft. a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage. For a terrible sacrament, the imbiber instead emits an aura that gives all enemies within 10ft. -1 to attack and damage. Either effect lasts for 2 minutes/caster level. This aura is considered a Mind-Effecting effect and creatures must also be able to see or hear the imbiber in order to be effected.

Improved Special Sacrament: When enchanting the sacrament, the Bacchanalian Priest must choose whether to make an inspiring sacrament or a terrible sacrament. For an inspiring sacrament, the imbiber emits an aura that grants all friendly creatures within 10ft. a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage. For a terrible sacrament, the imbiber instead emits an aura that gives all enemies within 10ft. -2 to attack and damage. Either effect lasts for 1 minute/caster level. This aura is considered a Mind-Effecting effect and creatures must also be able to see or hear the imbiber in order to be effected.

Greater Special Sacrament: The imbiber emits an aura that grants all friendly creatures within 15ft. a +3 morale bonus to attack and a +2 morale bonus to damage while simultaneously giving all enemies within 15ft. -3 to attack and -2 to damage. This effect lasts for 1 minute/caster level. This aura is considered a Mind-Effecting effect and creatures must also be able to see or hear the imbiber in order to be effected.

Ultimate Sacrament: The Ultimate Sacrament is identical to the Greater Special Sacrament, with the exception that the aura’s range is unlimited. The aura is still considered a Mind-Effecting effect and creatures must still be able to see or hear the imbiber in order to be effected.

Sacrament School: Enchantment.

Magic Sphere:
1st: Nystul’s Magic Aura, Identify.
2nd: Lesser Spell ImmunitySC, Dispelling TouchPHB2.
3rd: Arcane Sight, Spellcaster’s BaneCM.
4th: Spell Immunity, Otiluke’s Suppressing FieldCM, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability.
5th: Spell Resistance, Mana FluxPHB2.
6th: Antimagic Field, Globe of Invulnerability, Analyze Dwemer.
7th: Spell Turning, Greater Arcane Sight.
8th: Greater Spell Immunity, Chain DispellPHB2.
9th: Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, AbsorptionSC.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber becomes attuned more closely to the flows and eddies of magical energy. giving them a +4 alchemical bonus on Spellcraft checks.

Improved Special Sacrament: The imbiber gains the ability to see magic, as the Arcane Sight spell, for 2 minutes/caster level.

Greater Special Sacrament: All magical effects, affecting the imbiber both beneficial and harmful, are immediately and automatically dispelled. If thrown as a grenade-like weapon, for each creature hit or caught in the splash that is the subject of one or more spells, the crafter makes a dispel check (1d20 + their caster level, maximum +10) against the spell with the highest caster level. If that check fails, they make dispel checks against progressively weaker spells until they dispel one spell (which discharges the effect so far as that target is concerned) or until they fail all their checks. The creature’s magic items are not affected.

Ultimate Sacrament: The ultimate magic sacrament must have a fluid or gaseous base, has unusual properties, and is not drinkable. Immediately on exposure to air (such as when the flask is unstoppered or if it is thrown as a grenade-like weapon) it evaporates into a fine mist that spreads out in a 20ft. radius in all directions. The mist is visible, but does not substantially obscure vision. The mist does, however, suppress magic, and the area of the mist is treated as though it were within an Antimagic Field. A moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the mist in 4 rounds; a strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the mist in 1 round. Regardless of the weather, the mist loses potency after 5 minutes.

Sacrament School: Universal (Special), Divination (Improved), Abjuration (Greater, Ultimate).

Undeath Sphere:
1st: Summon Undead ISC, Detect Undead, Hide from Undead.
2nd: Summon Undead IISC, Command Undead.
3rd: Summon Undead IIISC, Animate Dead, Undead LieutenantSC.
4th: Summon Undead IVSC, Enervation.
5th: Summon Undead VSC, Revive UndeadSC, Touch of VecnaCM.
6th: Awaken UndeadSC, Create Undead, Ghoul GauntletSC.
7th: Control Undead, Kiss of The VampireSC.
8th: Create Greater Undead, General of UndeathSC.
9th: Plague of UndeadSC, Energy Drain.

Special Sacrament: The sacrament is tainted with the essence of undeath, and a living imbiber gains the following effects from the absorption of this taint: they are injured by positive energy and healed by negative energy, they gain darkvision out to 60ft., and they are perceived as undead by mindless undead as well as by such effects as the Detect Undead spell (they still appear for effects that only detect living creatures). All these effects last for 1 hour/caster level. If the imbiber is already undead, they instead are healed 4 hit points/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: The sacrament is tainted more strongly with undeath, and a living imbiber gains the following effects from the absorption of this taint: they are injured by positive energy and healed by negative energy, they gain darkvision out to 60ft., they are perceived as undead by mindless undead as well as by such effects as the Detect Undead spell (they still appear for effects that only detect living creatures), they are affected by spells and abilities that normally only effect the undead (although they do not actually possess the undead type and cannot be turned), and they become immune to: poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, energy drain, fatigue and exhaustion. All these effects last for 1 minute/caster level. If the imbiber is already undead, they instead are healed 7 hit points/caster level.

Greater Special Sacrament: The sacrament is tainted with undeath so thoroughly that it can barely be contained, and nearby mundane plants visibly recoil at its presence. A living imbiber is temporarily transformed into an Undead, gaining all of the characteristics of that type. They also gain +1 turn resistance for every 3 hit dice they possess. They revert to their living status after 1 minute/caster level. If the imbiber is already undead, they are instead affected as though by a Harm spell.

Ultimate Sacrament: The sacrament is the pure, undiluted essence of undeath. Any living creature that imbibes the sacrament gains turning immunity and is affected as by the Greater Special Sacrament for 1 hour/caster level, but the true power lies in other uses: if the sacrament is poured on a mostly intact corpse, 1 hour later the corpse reanimates as an undead for 1 hour/caster level. They are not under your control, they are just as intelligent as they were before, and they do not gain any template; instead, they merely gain the undead type and turn immunity and are revived at full hit points. An undead creature imbibing the sacrament is immediately restored to full hit points and affected as though by the Greater Restoration spell.

Sacrament School: Necromancy.

Knowledge Sphere:
1st: Identify, Detect Secret Doors.
2nd: Detect Thoughts, Augury, Owl’s Wisdom.
3rd: Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance.
4th: Scrying, Detect Scrying, Divination.
5th: Prying Eyes, Mind ProbeNEW/EPH.
6th: Analyze Dwemer, Legend Lore.
7th: Greater Scrying, Greater Arcane Sight.
8th: Discern Location, Greater Prying Eyes.
9th: Foresight, HindsightSC.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber’s mind is flooded with knowledge both simple and mysterious, giving them a +2 insight bonus on all knowledge skills for 1 minute/caster level. At the DM’s discretion this may, in rare instances, induce a vision of something important that happened in the past.

Improved Special Sacrament: The imbiber is granted a second sight, gaining blindsense out to 60 feet, with the following advantages: in addition to telling the imbiber the location of creatures within the area, the imbiber also knows whether they are living, undead, or a construct, whether the creature is mindless or not, and the alignment and aura strength of the target. These benefits last for 1 minute/caster level. At the DM’s discretion this may, in rare instances, induce a vision of something important that is happening right now.

Greater Special Sacrament: The imbiber is granted limited combat prescience, giving them a +4 insight bonus to AC, a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves, and a +4 insight bonus to attack rolls. These effects last for 1 minute/caster level. At the DM’s discretion this may, in rare instances, induce a vision of something important that will happen in the future.

Ultimate Sacrament: The imbiber’s mind is flooded with images of the past, present, and future, giving the following effects: a +5 insight bonus on all knowledge skills, blindsense out to 100 feet with the same advantages as those granted by Improved Special Sacrament, a +4 insight bonus to AC, a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves, and a +4 insight bonus to attack rolls. These effects last for 1 minute/caster level. At the DM’s discretion this may induce a vision of an important event of the past, present, or future.

Sacrament School: Divination.

Deception Sphere:
1st: Serene VisageSC, Nystul’s Magic Aura.
2nd: Invisibility, Misdirection, Leomund’s Trap.
3rd: Displacement, Invisibility Sphere.
4th: Greater Invisibility, Illusory Wall.
5th: False Vision, Mirage Arcana.
6th: Mislead, Illusory PitSC.
7th: Mass Invisibility, Project Image.
8th: Screen, Superior InvisibilitySC.
9th: Shades, Weird.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber becomes magically obscured and fuzzy, as the blur spell, for 1 minute/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: The light around the imbiber is heavily distorted, causing them to appear to be 2ft. away from their actual location (as the displacement spell) for 2 rounds/caster level.

Greater Special Sacrament: An illusory duplicate of the imbiber is created while the imbiber is simultaneously made invisible, as the mislead spell.

Ultimate Sacrament: The imbiber is rendered totally invisible, unable to be seen, heard, or smelled, similar to Superior InvisibilitySC. Unlike Superior InvisibilitySC however, duration is traded for supreme potency, and the effect fools True Seeing but only lasts 5 rounds.

Sacrament School: Illusion.

Domination Sphere:
1st: WhelmPHB2, Herald’s CallSC.
2nd: DisquietudeSC, RebukeSC, Whelming BlastPHB2.
3rd: HesitatePHB2, Inevitable DefeatPHB2, Mesmerizing GlareSC.
4th: Mass WhelmPHB2, PuppeteerSC.
5th: Fever DreamCM, Mass Charm PersonRoD.
6th: Endless SlumberCM, OverwhelmPHB2
7th: Hiss of SleepSC, SolipsismSC, TransfixSC.
8th: Mindblank, True DominationSC.
9th: Monstrous ThrallCD, Programmed AmnesiaSC.

Special Sacrament: The imbiber develops a supernatural authority over others, gaining the ability to cast command 3 times as a spell-like ability. The save DC is calculated as if it was cast by the creator, not the imbiber. Any unused uses of command go away after 1 hour/caster level.

Improved Special Sacrament: The same as the Special Sacrament, but with suggestion in place of command.

Greater Special Sacrament: The same as the Special Sacrament, but with feeblemind in place of command.

Ultimate Sacrament: The imbiber is suffused with the power to control others. They gain the following spells as at-will spell-like abilities: charm monster, dominate person, feeblemind, greater command, mass charm personRoD, mesmerizing glareSC, quickened command, quickened charm person, and suggestion. All spell-like ability DCs are calculated as if cast by the creator, not the imbiber. The imbiber loses the spell-like abilities after 1 hour/caster level, or if the imbiber has 30 or more hit dice of charmed/dominated creatures, whichever comes first.

Sacrament School: Enchantment.

“New” Spell
(adapted from the Mind Probe psionic power)
Mind Probe
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Knowledge Sphere 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes

All the subject’s memories and knowledge are accessible to you, from memories deep below the surface to those still easily called to mind. You can learn the answer to one question per round, to the best of the subject’s knowledge. If the subject succeeds on a Will save, it is not required to answer the question; however, making a save does not end the spell. You can ask the subject a new question (or the same question) in subsequent rounds for as long as the spell’s duration persists. You can probe a sleeping subject and automatically get an answer to your question. If the subject then succeeds on a Will save, it wakes after providing the answer and thereafter can resist answering by making Will saves as described above. Subjects that do not wish to be probed can attempt to move beyond the spell’s range, unless they are somehow hindered. You pose the questions telepathically, and the answers to those questions are imparted directly to your mind. You and the subject do not need to speak the same language, though less intelligent creatures may yield up only appropriate visual images in answer to your questions.