Uhm, can I get an avatar of my character Thomas the Walker?
He's an Human Swordmage|Warlord (D&D 4e).


Tall-ish, slightly short black hair, a slightly camouflaged shirt (think leaf green with some dark green and light green patches over it) and some basic beige pants.
Has a tattoo of a black rose starting at the middle of his right palm and descends in a spiral towards his elbow, but only what's in his hand is shown, because his right arm is covered in some white bandages with a good amount of blood over them.
Carries a pitch-dark sword carved from obsidian, and a bag filled with a few books, including his own with a mix of annotations from normal life, crudely drawn maps, military tactics, arcane spells and things he found out about his strange tattoo and his blade.