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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Mee's Avatar

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    Jan 2008

    Default Re: [Nexus] HALO 178: Mia clementia denor esto

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Magtok View Post

    "That sounds like it could take a while. I suppose I've got nothing but time, though. No apocalypses or evil invading armies coming here or whatever most of the time, from what I've heard. Oh, and speaking of time, you wouldn't happen to know anyone who could make a huge pile of gold coins or some other sort of money, and have it set to dissolve or vanish or whatever after an hour or two, would you? I have this nefarious evil scheme in mind, except it's not evil at all and involves saving a whole bunch of innocent people in one big dramatic hero stunt of goodness."

    [Office with Magtok befooooore Ark]

    Heroic counterfeiting, Magtok? Are you sure this is about saving people, and not just some genuinely evil scheme to get yourself a fancy new office chair for free?
    "I- . . ." Civvy nods, and poofs a large pile of gold into existence. "So this is me trusting you." Civvy leaves the 'don't make me regret it' unspoken. As if she said it, then she wouldn't really be trusting him, would she? "Use it well, kay?"
    Last edited by Mee; 2014-03-14 at 10:50 PM.
    Spoiler: Quotes

    Quote Originally Posted by FireFox
    I didn't even know Naku, the bloodthirsty, hardened combat veteran, could get so adorable.

    Shoutout to billtodamax for the The Nurse Detective Meekachu avatar.