I'm going to, but I'm just not sure why they'd attack Hrathan-Tuor. He's my ally sure, but he's really had nothing to do with the interactions with them and really how deep of an understanding do they have of our political system considering we know nothing of them? It would stand to reason we'd be aware if heavily armed, or just totally foreign men were wandering around our lands taking note of things. (Unless they're the only ones with an intrigue stat) My impression was they didn't give a crap about our political entities and we were all kind of equal scum to them.

It just makes me wonder if "towards" Hrathan-Tuor is the same as marching "on" them. They're ignoring Grrmanhill because they didn't realize they were out there, not out of intentionally avoiding them.

I agree that intrigue so far hasn't been convincing enough to have its own stat. The potential might be there but so far... meh

Anyway, here's an updated overworld country map
