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    Default Re: Cheesiest things for Phsychic Reformation

    Quote Originally Posted by CIDE View Post
    P.S. I heard of something about getting beetle hit die and using psychic reformation on it or something; anyone have any details on that one?
    I think you're referring to my trick using Fusion followed by Astral Seed on a devastation beetle to gain a total of 128 HD, and then retraining them into class levels.

    Note that if you find a way to cast the Aberrate spell on both yourself and the devastation beetle, you're both aberrations at that point, and can Fusion with impunity. Otherwise, Polymorph will change your types to match, and you can have fun with the resulting racial mish-mash. Do you want to be a gestalt of a hydra and a chronotyryn? Sure! Black pudding and dvati? Why not? Prismatic dragon and a hagunemnon? Go nuts!
    Last edited by Rubik; 2014-03-19 at 11:23 PM.