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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Default Re: Cheesiest things for Phsychic Reformation

    Use it to gain Snowcasting, Flash Frost Spell, Energy Substitution: Electricity, Born of the Three Thunders, and optionally Sudden Widen and/or Fell Drain and/or Fell Frighten and/or Heighten Spell preferably with Earth Spell. Use all of those with Detect Magic, and use Permanency on it. Then use Psychic Reformation to get rid of all those feats. Whenever you concentrate on your Detect Magic, everyone in a 60-ft. cone (120-ft. Widened) takes electric and sonic damage, saves vs stun, saves vs falling prone, has to make a balance check or fall prone, possibly gains a negative level no save, possibly becomes shaken for ten rounds no save. You can use the Swift Concentration skill trick to do that as a swift action, and as long as you maintain concentration on it for consecutive rounds it gets around the 1/encounter limit on skill tricks.
    Last edited by Biffoniacus_Furiou; 2014-03-20 at 12:43 PM.