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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: New Campaign Idea, but in need of minor plot hooks

    Quote Originally Posted by Mongobear View Post
    My biggest problem, is that I have not SERIOUSLY DMed for several years, and I am not the greatest at coming up with solutions on the fly should a player toss some huge wrench into the gears of my plot, I tend to take some of that stuff almost personally and have to leave the table at times to figure what solution if any I can pull to salvage the nights adventure.
    I think you're in good shape, you've got a solid outline for where you want things to go, but I don't think you need (or even should want) much more than an outline.

    PC's are going to do weird stuff. The adventure is going to go off the rails. That's fine, it's good fun. Think about the relevant NPC's and have them react in authentic ways and don't sweat it if the plot veers in an unexpected direction.

    I remember a Star Wars game I ran were the PC's were supposed to meet a rebel contact who would give them a mission, but their contact was sneaking into to the meeting site. The PC's scouted out the meeting site, saw an armed guy sneaking around, panicked, and shot him dead. My plot for the adventure didn't survive scene 1.

    I forget the details, but they ended up storming an Imperial base, shooting a bunch of people, and making off in stolen tie fighters. Good times.

    Its better to give the PC's free rein to do whatever damn fool thing comes into their heads than worry too much about the plan. It's all a continuum of course, but at one end is railroading and that's no fun. Err on the side of chaos. :)
    Last edited by Ring_of_Gyges; 2014-03-21 at 01:20 PM.