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Thread: The new art style

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: The new art style

    While I don't consider myself qualified to judge the art upgrade, I do wonder what was the Giant's motivation for adding color/outlines to the limbs. I think this is by far the most noticeable/sudden change in the comic so far.

    Here's hoping we'll get some insight into Rich's reasons for the revamp. Well, one of the reasons is obviously "new book, perfect moment for an upgrade", but I'm more curious about why each new element came into being (such as Roy's skin color changing to make online->book conversion easier [edit: to clarify, Roy's skin color changed way back in book 2 I think, and it's not a major change, just using a more printer-friendly color, IIRC from the Rich's comments in the book]).
    Last edited by BobTheDog; 2014-03-31 at 12:36 PM. Reason: Clarification
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