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    Ancestral Quill Unification Alliance (AQUA)
    updated for start of round 15

    Region 24, Lt_Murgen
    Spoiler: Crest

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain

    This humid region of Tar is dominated by the dense western Blackadder forest and surrounding swamps, which fade into arid grassland towards the east, eventually ending in coastal sands.

    Only Quill are allowed to set foot in the closely guarded capital city Elder, so the Chief resides in the military city Arrow for diplomatic purposes, located on a small island in the Great Moss Lake to improve defenses against hostile mountain tribes that occasionally attempt to invade the western border. The trade center Hart, a harbor city at the northeastern fringes of the nation, is where most of Tar's contact with the outside world takes place. Long before establishing trade with other regions, the Quill people made their weapons using bone, shells and obsidian.

    Nighthawk : This giant petrified oak tree at the heart of the forest is a monument to Atur, the Quills' primary deity in a pantheon of nature spirits, all of which are carved in runic patterns into the ancient bark. The primary center of worship, the Tree is a vastly important aspect of Quill culture and guarded fiercely. There are rumors that the Nighthawk also marks the entrance to a secret underground catacomb connecting to a hidden location within the capital city.

    Snake Falls : This beautiful cataract cascades over the eastern border of the Great Moss Lake in the depths of the Blackadder forest. It is an integral part of a complex river system eventually leading to the capital city, provided you know the way: otherwise it can quickly become a confounding, mosquito-ridden maze. The waterfall feeds into a large river passing into the sea through the harbor city and trade center of Beryl (formerly Hart), where many Quill offer their services as gondoliers or pathfinders, as foreigners can rarely expect to navigate the swamps and rivers safely on their own.


    Tar Pits : These infamous black holes wherefrom the region got its name litter the hotter areas at the drier southeastern fringes of the grassland. It is also a risky but potentially greatly rewarding hunting ground claiming several human lives each year. The most effective hunting method is "tar-baiting", wherein live bait, such as a young deer, is unwittingly herded into the trap, as hunters wait for its struggles and cries for help to attract predators, such as a hungry panther or savage pack of wolves, which, distracted by the possibility of a fresh kill, are then ambushed by fierce Quill warriors. Decorative trinkets and jewelry fashioned from the plentiful supply of various inedible animal parts are often sold to foreigners in Hart for an extra profit.

    Spoiler: People

    Spoiler: Artist's Likeness of typical Quill

    Artist: kokomiko

    The people of Tar call themselves Quill, and according to their legends, the first Quill were children of fey, and wielders of awesome power; but over many generations, the ability to harness wild energies was lost, leaving only a strong affinity to nature that human blood could not dilute. Subsisting for millennia from the rich ecosystem of the feral forest and wild sea, the Quill are tall-grown and lithe, with wiry limbs that grant them great speed and agility and an uncannily long life expectancy.
    All Quill have dark hair and skin tones ranging from chestnut brown to ebony (bottom bar ). Most have brown, black or gray eyes, but one may occasionally find blue, green, red and even violet among them.
    The dark side of this athletic culture is their persecution and ostracism of those born less physically capable. Deaf, blind, albinistic or "warped", that is physically handicapped, babies are drowned or left to die of exposure. Very few do survive to adulthood but will never attain more than mediocre standing in their culture, and so have been known to leave Tar and assimilate to more tolerant foreign regions. Men and women are treated equally, although there is an unsubstantiated social stereotype that men are more impulsive and women more calculating.
    Bastards are disqualified from inheriting property, but that's never stopped them from trying to threaten, bribe or otherwise usurp their way to it. Should an heir leave no children, the heir's closest living kin inherits. The parents of an heir have absolute authority over who their child marries; siblings who have not been chosen to rule can choose for themselves. Only adults may marry, and pre-arranged marriages are only common for heirs.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Exports :
    Wood, various (great); Meat, various (good); Tar (good)
    Blackadder consists of a wide variety of woods ranging from pale to dark and soft to iron-hard. The forest, swamps, coast and rivers are rife with a profusion of plants and animals throughout the year, providing plenty of crops [Poor] and meat [Good] for trade. Tar is an unusual resource with various practical applications.

    Required: Precious Stones
    The Tar region is poor in metal and Quill culture places particularly high value on precious metals and stones. Certain minerals are preferred for making custom paints.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The insular Quill have heard tales of the Lord of Fire but believe him to be a misinterpretation of Brazar, the nature spirit of volcanoes. They still primarily worship Atur, the nature spirit of sky and flight, as they believe the souls of dead Quill rise again as birds. According to legend the Nighthawk is etched with runes representing every single one of the nature spirits in existence, and second to Atur, they are all worshipped equally. Most Quill have a personal deity they particularly identify with, and will usually have their rune tattooed upon their palm, breastbone or another body part that can be seen while wearing clothes and paint. Painting the skin in elaborate patterns and designs expressing one's current personal journey is a revered part of Quill culture and foreigners who keep their skin blank are often mocked as heathens and "babies" who have not experienced anything meaningful enough yet to preserve its memories on their bodies. Paints are never permanent because they should change and shift with the person as they grow. These paints are of great spiritual significance as they signify a bond with nature and the elements.

    Spoiler: Technologies

    The Tar started with no exceptional technologies.

    Spoiler: Leadership, Government, & History

    When the Quill formed a united nation, the young and strapping Chief Talon Char and his wing (wife) Root were chosen to lead. Talon was given the ability to raise and commands troops, collect taxes in the form of food and other goods, and had the power to declare allied, enemies and neutral positions towards other governments and organizations. In most political negotiations he was merely to be the elected face of the Elder Council, an elite caste of sages chosen for their uncanny wisdom and wile among temple priests who confer on issues about trade, diplomacy and learning.
    Talon Char’s 25 year rule was a disaster. There was no significant progress in building up a nation, an army, nor making negotiations with other nations. Only the lizardfolk of Scla’ca and the Islanders of the Jeweled Cities even seemed to take notice of them. While the lizardfolk’s Cult of the Sky made significant inroads into the Quill populace, it was the Shamans of the Wild, from the Jeweled Cities, who found a way to move Tar forward.
    Historical evidence showed that these two nations were once one people, separated by some great tragedy in the past. The Elder Council seized upon this to re-order their society. The adult children of Talon Char supported them. Coal and Quiver embraced their new roles, and Amber Grant became the Sagamore (chief). The Elder Council took over running the day to day dealings of the Quill directly. Talon and Quill were forced to abdicate, and went into seclusion.
    The only other major change was that the city of Hart was renamed Beryl.

    The Jeweled Cities
    Region 25, Lt_Murgen
    updated for start of round 10

    Tupelo Cornus, Regent of the Jeweled Cities & Sagamore of Tar
    Current Stats:
    Diplomacy :4
    Military : 4
    Curiosity : 1
    Faith : 5
    Luck : 1

    Freak’s Original Rolls
    Diplomacy :3
    Military : 4 (3+1)
    Curiosity : 1
    Faith : 5 (4+1)
    Luck : 1
    Round 14 bumps +1 Diplomacy

    Region Details
    Spoiler: Terrain

    The Jeweled Cities is the name given to the vast region of the Tangarotha archipelago. It is a vast, twisted tangle of small desert islands, sand bars, reefs, banks, and mangrove forests. There are only three major distinguishing geographic features.

    New Boy : New Boy is a large, truly volcanic island on the North-east of the archipelago. The volcano is still active, spilling vast quantities of lava into the sea at the eastern end of the island. The western and southern slopes are covered in mangrove forest and fruit trees, most notably coconut. The locals make their living mining the readily accessible ores and gem veins in the lava deposits across the island. While it is arguably the richest island, it is also the poorest in both food and fresh water. The City of Turquoise lies around a major inlet on New Boy. The city is named from the extensive use of turquoise in decorations and buildings. Despite its name, it is really a run-down mining town.

    The Isle of Birds : This Island lies along the western side of the archipelago. It is a long, thin, tall rocky island, almost entirely covered in trees of a wide variety. Vast flocks of migratory birds make their homes here; their seed-laden deposits the cause of the vast diversity of trees. It is home to the Shamans of the Wild, and visitors are often unwelcome. The City of Amber exists under their watchful eye, maintaining the loggers who take their strict quota of trees each year. Amber is used extensively in spirit poles and city decorations, and is highly prized by the shamans. Many coves and caves exist along the island, and the City of Amber itself is quite well protected from the ravages of the sea.

    Old Man : The Old Man is the largest island in the archipelago. The Old Man is easily a full third of the total land above sea level. The first settlers believed the massive extinct volcano was responsible for the rest of the archipelago, and it features strongly in local creation myths. The island sits at the south eastern edge of the archipelago. It shields the rest of the archipelago, and bears the brunt of bad weather and hurricanes. The city of Opal does not lie along the shallow, sandy, shallow coastline, but is built around the ridge of the caldera. The caldera itself has long filled in with fresh water from rains and many, many streams seep out along its sides. The City of Opal provides barreled fresh water for most of the archipelago and most of the alcohol consumed in the cities- a potent rice wine. Beyond that, numerous small farming villages dot the island. They produce fruit, rice, and domesticated ground parrots for food. Opal veins are found in abundance along the mountain.

    Between the major islands lie dozens of smaller islands and uncountable spits, sand bars, and reefs which are collectively referred to as the Grand Banks. A single winding deep channel penetrates into the heart of the Grand Banks. Navigation be sea-going ships is difficult, and most local traffic is on outrigger canoes or catamarans. Adding to navigation difficulties are the kelp olive blooms (see below). Still, at the heart of this lies the City of Pearl. Decorated with the bounty of numerous oyster beds, it resembles a vast raft several miles across. Closer examination reveals it is made of ships and parts of ships, houses on stilts embedded into rock below the surface, rope bridges and slings, and so on. It may look the most run down, but it is the official capital of the Jeweled Cities by being the shipping and transport capital of the archipelago.

    Spoiler: People

    Islanders, as they call themselves, are an offshoot of humans adapted to living at the whim of the sea. It has affected their physiology and their cultural outlook. Some Continentals, as they call them, also populate the islands. They are a laid back, if somewhat fatalistic people

    Appearance: The vast majority of people on the islands are native human Islanders. Islanders are tall but broad chested, with dark hair, eyes and skin. Some have more exotic colored eyes and hair. They bear a strong resemblance to the Woodland people, with some Cremar influences seen in hair and eyes. Most of them would be seen as exceptionally handsome or beautiful. It is generally held that centuries of pirating and maiden-capturing resulted in comely stock.

    They bear significant differences from their continental brethren, however. Their chests are more round than their continental brethren. They possess a heart and lung system which allows them to hold their breath for up to 10 minutes. Their ribcage is more flexible and allows them to dive far deeper than is comfortable for normal humans. Their feet and hands are slightly webbed for better swimming ability. Lastly, they possess a second set of clear eyelids that allow them to swim in the salty sea and still protect their eyes. Despite this, they can interbreed normally with humanity.

    10% of the population is from other locations. Drifters, fugitives, and people who wish for an idyllic life find their way to the Jeweled Cities. As long as they adopt the local culture, they are welcomed.

    Clothing in the Cities is, for the most part, kept to a minimum. Thick skinned fish such as sharks provide leather for belts, harnesses, and sandals, which they favor. Breeches are also preferred by both men and women. Strangely, while both sexes eschew shirts, the usually wear long brimmed hats to shield their eyes from the sun. Scarfs of fine cloth are a status symbol, worn as a shawl or belt. Jewelry is common, and feathered accent pieces are seen as well. Wealth is shown by jewelry and people tend to wear their fortune on their bodies.

    Culture: It is easy to live a subsistence life in the archipelago. A few hours of fishing and gathering fresh water and kelp olive, and they are set for the day. Death is also an accepted reality. Poison spine-fish, sharks, barracudas, sun exposure, riptides, and devastating storms are all part of normal life. This tends to make the people laid back, fiercely independent, and hedonistic.

    Sailors, both on deep water ships and outriggers, travel for months on end, also contributing to their independence. As such, formal marriage is rare. Lineage is traced by mother, and denoted by facial tattoos imprinted upon reaching adult age. A common greeting is to refer to someone as “Cousin”, since lineages are convoluted.

    Property rights are as laid back as the people. In general, if you possess it at the moment, it is yours. If not, well, then maybe someone else can use it. Cargo brought into port is the property of the ship that brought it. What is marked on the crates is irrelevant. Possession is the deciding factor, not some piece of paper.

    Most of the people could wield their fishing knives, spears, tridents, and nets as weapons in a pinch. Metal, however, is rare and prized, so weapons tend to be picks and hammers rather than swords. Armor is also rare, being made from fish-leather.

    The deep sea ships are some of the best crafted in the world and crewing them is often a lifetime or multi-generational calling. Of course, the line between noble deep sea trader and pirate is often in the eyes of the beholder.

    Spoiler: Resources

    Exports :
    Kelp-Olive and oil (great); Gemstones {amber, opal, turquoise, pearl} (good); Tropical Fruits( great)
    The sea provides endless bounty of food, and there is enough rainfall for fresh water to only be a limited issue. Fruit grows plentifully and in a wide variety. The Old man has farms for a species of domesticated ground parrot that is beautiful and tasty.

    The Islanders possess one unique resource- kelp olive. It is a sea plant that blooms twice a year, its seeds are impregnated with an oil that prevents sea water intrusion. In nature, they get wedged into rocks and the shell abraded by the action of the waves. This allows the seed within to germinate and break through the weakened shell in a place that the plant can anchor to. The islanders eat the seeds, and press the outer shells for their oil. The thick, fibrous main trunks are shredded, braided and used for ropes, sails, even rough clothing. Kelp-olive oil is highly prized. It can be used as cooking oil, or for lighting lamps. Applied to the hull of a ship, it seals the wood three times better than pine tar, and is despised by barnacles, who will not cling to the hull if treated with it. It is the Jeweled Cities most prized export.

    Precious minerals are used as currency, and a primary trade good, along with various fruit. Another item highly prized, but only traded locally, are fabric dyes. Shellfish of various kinds are gathered and ground into brilliant pigments, particularly blue, purple, and red.

    Iron (required)
    Lumber, luxury foodstuffs, alcohol, and fabrics (desired)

    Iron is the Jeweled Cities most pressing demand. Most of it either goes into their ships, or into tools for the mining town of Turquoise. Jonas would like to import more wood to build up a proper Navy, but the Shaman’s would be displeased. Their control and strict rationing of wood is a major bargaining tool for them. Meat and alcohol is in demand as well, as people tire of seafood, ground parrot, and rice wine. Silk and linen are always in demand, for islanders appreciate it tough yet light qualities.

    Spoiler: Religion

    The people of the Free Cities are a superstitious lot. They live at the mercy of the winds and tides, and see the raw power of the earth in their volcano. As such, they pray to the spirits of the earth, the air, and the water. Such prayers are most commonly offered at the spirit poles- large logs carved in the shape of the spirit they represent. Small offerings are left there by worshippers. The Shamans of the Wild travel freely around the islands, offering their services to appease the spirits and maintaining the spirit poles. The trees on the Isle of Birds are used to make the spirit poles, and jealously guarded. The Lord of Fire is known, and the active volcano on New Boy and the caldera of the Old Man are seen as evidence of his influence on earth. Still, he is not formally worshipped.

    Spoiler: Technologies

    Long in their past, the natives developed enough craft to build Ocean Going Ships . For decades, they have used them to raid each other, and the coasts along the Sea of the Golden Sun.

    Spoiler: Leadership

    The Jeweled Cities, and by extension the entire AQUA, is a vicious meritocracy. The leader leads, and the Senior Council decides if she or he are fit for leadership. If not, then the Council will pick a new leader from their group. This echoes their pirate past of mutiny against unfit captains.
    Currently, the leader is Amber Grant.

    Atura Timber: Born 318. A Quill from their Elder Council, he generally speaks for the islanders. He holds the proxy for Coal and Quiver Char, who are also considered Council members, though they seldom attend.
    Opus Petrichor Born 360. Known as “Geek”. He is a quiet and studious Quill, but he has an incredible intellect and ability to seen connections between things. He joined the council in 392.
    Samhell Bellami, Jr., aka Junior Black: Son of Samhell Senior, he took his father’s place when dad took command of the City of Beryl. He is as cold, calculating and evil as his father was. A true pirate. Despite this, he too had strong ties to the Shamans, richly bribing the spirits to assuage his guilty conscience.
    Stormbringer: Born 379. She replaced Whisper when she retired, and is completely the opposite of her predecessor. Loud and brash, her pronoucments are like an oncoming storm. Oddly, she is built like a Crimar, and sports no tatoos on her face.
    Tupelo Cornus Born 350. Known as “Freak”. He looks like a normal Quill, but his eyes are nearly completely golden and his skin has the texture of rough tree bark. Abandoned by his parents, he does not speak of his childhood. He formed a band of religious extremists into the Deceivers- a band that protects the Blackadder Forest with Murder and mayhem. On January 1, 400, he decalred himself Regent of the Jeweled Cities and Sagamore of Tar.
    Verdo Collino: Born 353. Verdo is from Guilder. He came to the islands to work on a secret project. He came from their Academy for Clever Minds, one of their best students. He has a strong interest in mettalurgy and mining. When Thruston chose to retire, he bribed Verdo to leave the project and take his spot running the City of Turquoise and on the Senior Council.

    Spoiler: Other Persons of Import

    Tempest (f) and Jonas (m) Grant, Amber’s children, born 366. Amber is married to the future king of Jarrland, and Jonas has pledged himself to Shvedrishti, the religious leader of Genivania.
    Tarn and Frith Grant-Tremblor, born 377, and Martin Grant-Tremblor, born 393. Evelyn’s children
    Hawkeye Grumby: Born 378. Adopted son of Indigo Summers, who took no wife. Hawkeye is a Quill child abandoned by his parents. He has severe hearing loss, but makes up for it with the ability to read lips and uncanny attention to details.


    Amber Grant : Born 331. Amber us the daughter of Ginger and Jonas. In their teen years, she was incorrigible. Now, she is the determined ruler of the realm. She is tall and statuesque, copper eyes, and a mass of dark purple hair in curls that showed blue highlights. Typically, she is dressed in breeches, a vest, and a wide hat. She was killed by Tupelo Cornus and his Deceivers on December 31, 399
    Coal Char, born 337, retired 391. Child of original founder of Tar, Talon Char.
    Eunice Lovell Wentworth: Born 276. She is a widow in her 60s and dotes on Jonas like he was her child. Tavern rumors suggest she was his first ‘conquest’, sometime between her third and fourth husbands. That he shares her bed when visiting the City of Amber only fuels that rumor. A doting, seemingly dotty woman, she runs the city of Amber with her large, extended family. Several of her grandchildren have become Shamans, and she is a strong promoter of the religion. Her connection to the Shamans make her the acknowledged next in line to rule. She died during round 4 (347), at the age of 71.
    Evelyn Grant: Born 331. Amber’s twin sister. Banished, but brought back. In charge of Emerald City Woodwind. She seldom participates, and Amber holds her proxy in voting. She was killed by Tupelo Cornus and his Deceivers on December 31, 399
    Gil Egan Born 316. Gil is a catamaran skipper. He is popular and well known with the people, and often acts as the loyal opposition in discussions. Gil Egan is a notable klutz, and numerous stories float around about him. He retired from the council in round 9, and died in the year 397.
    Ginger Grant :Born 310- Jonas’ lover and the twins mom. Still beautiful, even by islander standards, she is fiercely devoted to her man and his goals. She runs the city of Pear now that is away. She is exceptionally hedonistic, and tales of her exploits tickle the fancy of even the most immodest Islander. Despite this, she has knack for facts and figures and details of Jonas’ trading hegemony. She died in the yar 395
    Howell Thrustone : Whether that is his name or not is unknown. He is a middle-aged fugitive from one of the dwarf realms who fled across the sea to escape their wrath. Jonas maneuvered him into the rulership of the City of Turquoise. His skill with mining has made him hugely popular with the miners there. In a time of crisis, he could reasonably be expected to rally the miners into a military force. He retired in 392, returning to whatever realm he was from.
    Iaz (m) Ambers husband, born 345. He was killed by Tupelo Cornus and his Deceivers on December 31, 399
    Indigo Summers: Born 349 Mary Ann Summers and Gil Egan’s child. He represents Big Boy. He was killed by Tupelo Cornus and his Deceivers on December 31, 399
    Jonas Grumby, The Pirate King Born 302 Appearance: Tall and dark skinned, with a broad chest. His eyes are a brilliant copper color, hinting at some odd ancestry. His hair was dark, tending towards blue- a Cremar trait. It went stark white with the slightest blue streaks at an early age. Tales say he was dragged into the depths by a squid as a young man but fought free. The shock of near death turned his hair white overnight. His face is tattooed along the right eye, showing his mother’s family. He favors silk breeches and vest with mid-thigh sharkskin boots. He wears a wide-brimmed hat thick with feathers.
    Jonas is a native of the City of Pearl. His mother was a subsistence farmer and his father a sailor. Born on the pirate ship Sunset, he rose to command through his discerning nature, good fortune, and keen negotiating skills. In his later life, he parlayed his wealth into of most of the intra-city trading and building up Pearl as the shipping capital. He does his best to keep the leaders of the other cities content. His relationship with the Shamans is less secure, as he sees many of them as frauds living off the fear of the populace.
    His skills as a nautical commander mean that many ship captains will heed his call to arms should an invasion force be sighted. Still, the fractious nature of the crews and the wide-open sea lanes limit the ships he can call upon.
    He retired and left his daughter in charge. His stats at the end were: Diplomacy: 5 Military: 3 Curiosity: 7 Faith: 2 Luck: 5
    He retired to run the Naval Academy. After 15 years, he left to support Paco Guzman in the finding and edcuation of the next Blazing Avatar. At some point after finding Greta, he disappeared. His resting place has never been found.
    Mary Ann Summers: Born 313 Mary Ann raises ground parrots. She is popular and well known with the people, and often act as the loyal opposition in discussions. Mary Ann is acknowledge animal lover, possessing an almost supernatural ability to understand birds, beasts, and creatures like dolphins and whales. Both have since left to pursue other things. . She retired from the council in round 9, and died in the year 397.
    Pauline, aka Pauli Feathers . Born 291 A female pirate captain, known for her feathered cloak, Flamboyant and agressive. She retired when Ryazan Bay fell. Born 291, died 361.
    Pinna Tremblor, Evelyn’s husband, born 342. He was killed by Tupelo Cornus and his Deceivers on December 31, 399
    Quiver Char, born 340, retired 391. Child of original founder of Tar, Talon Char.
    Roy Hinkley: Born 291. Roy has been the elected mayor of Opal for decade. An accomplished brewer and tinkerer, he can be expected to keep the food and booze flowing from Opal to the rest of the cities, but has little ambition of his own. He has a single daughter and 2 grandchildren.
    Whisper : Whisper is an air shaman. Little is known of her. She has fair looks and a quiet demeanor. Still, when she speaks, the Shamans listen. She opposes expansion and importation of goods. She died in 393.
    Samhell Bellami, aka Black Sam Born 320 He was one of the Blue Monkey’s chief lieutenants, and a villain to the core. Despite this, he too had strong ties to the Shamans, richly bribing the spirits to assuage his guilty conscience. Died 373, to a disease picked up from the Blackadder Forest.

    Last edited by lt_murgen; 2014-05-17 at 08:16 PM.