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Thread: Help requested

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    Orc in the Playground
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    Default Re: Help requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Magikeeper View Post
    What do you mean by "stunts"? I know more than one definition for this.

    How do you imagine a typical encounter/situation working? Could you describe a possible snippet of game play for us?

    More to the point, do you intend for people to create their racial powers (custom power building) or just pick from a list to approximate what their race is?

    If it is power creation, then you could use a point system similar to what the Tome Of Radiance is using for their Illuminations.

    Rules-light freeform with an approval system would work as well. Basically let people pick X custom minor abilities. Give a few examples to set the intended power level, maybe an in-depth guide for gauging ability power, etc. An example of rules-light freeform that still has a PC creation system would be the Epic World forum WP.

    If you just want to create races from lists of abilities, then any point system would work. Just make sure the costs are (roughly) on par with each other.
    I was planning on the players choosing from a list of options for race. As for stunts I was thinking they would be things that would generally deal with enviroment. By this I mean stuff like setting fire to casks of wine, using the handle of your weapon to zipline down a rope, or using lightning magic to shock sea based marauders.

    EDIT: I actually don't know what skill tricks are. Would anyone mind providing a link?
    Last edited by StabbityRabbit; 2014-04-05 at 04:20 PM.
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