Lost Temple

((You guys can keep chatting. I'll check in if you do something, but poke me in the IRC if I miss something I need to respond to))

Frozen Forest

Indeed. She's not quite broken yet. Small lights begin to flicker around her body, first where the light touched her, then growing, surrounding her body until it becomes a raging inferno. Her legs dissolve into the light, now obviously to any observers as a fire. Her flesh, while still freezingly cold, softens, allowing her to move again. Finally, her eyes open, glowing with the same light as she asks the world, "Where...Where am I? What happened?" And then the memories flood back. The freezing cold, the light...death. But she's here now...And, off in the distance, there four points, points she now instinctually knows are heat sources. Another memory comes in: The Expedition. Maybe...Maybe they'd help her...She's so cold, still...So very, very cold.