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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice 25: Now with extra Valentine

    I have a crush on a girl. We've known each other quite a while, cuddled a few times, but usually at their suggestion. When I think about talking about intimidate stuff with them I get overwhelmed with anxiety and can't do it. I suspect it's partially inexperience, I don't how to tell how interested someone is in me, what they're comfortable doing at that moment, and I don't know when it's appropriate to ask.

    Any advice?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eloel View Post
    Just asking for quick advice, if I may please.
    I have been having dreams that include the person I had a crush on. (From 4 years ago to 2 years ago) They are perfectly mundane - we study or take a walk or similar - yet they all end with her asking me "why me?". I usually wake up before I answer that question. It's also worth noting that I have not talked to her (saying "hi" included) for over 1.5 years (I still see her around), and I have a happy relationship of over a year.

    Do I talk to her (in again, a mundane way)? Do I ignore the dreams?
    I'd say trust the theme of the dream but not the specifics. You're brain is trying to derive some greater meaning from that relationship, and how it fits into your life. You don't have to do anything about it if you don't want to, the dream should eventually go away on it's own. Thinking about and interacting with the person might make it go away faster, or slower.
    Last edited by razovor; 2014-04-20 at 06:35 AM.