Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
Fourth Tower Compound

"Okay, just take my hands and close your eyes now. Once you can feel their presence you need to call him by name and state your mission, that will hopefully draw him to you. Be careful though, never accept any requests for entering your body, some dead might like to trick and possess you if you'd allow it." Zareen says and if he follows those instructions she starts the incantations. Basically the cheat codes god left mortals to use before he left the universe. Soon enough Arty will feel soft murmurs around him and how something brushes past him. Almost as if he suddenly was in a busy town square rather than in a dark room.
Fourth Tower Compound

Arty squeezes his eyes shut, his tail swishing in concentration. He waits a moment to make sure his discomfort is not his imagination before trying out the instructions.
"I call upon Bigfang seeking knowledge of Chadwick the Forgotten!" he says, strongly but not very loudly since he's fairly sure he's still indoors.
Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
((Oh no, Sticks never actually suggested tea, I meant he was going to but ended up not doing so))

Sticks waves her goodbye, a melancholy smile lingering on his mouth. "I do hope so," He replies in a small voice, after she's already gone. The tall man looks after his new friend a little while, giving Jim plenty of time to say something if he so wishes.

((Well, I did say 'if anyone happens to pass by' but I should have been a bit more specific. Yes, it's open to anyone who's interested in a bit of monster chasing. Or Sticks-investigating, for that matter))
The Toy Tinker

Jim gets up silently and goes back to the desk. "You're too hard on yourself, Sticks. You're a good person." is all he says, quietly.