Apartment Block

Allow me to share it...

The list is extensive to say at least. It includes all publicly known members of HALO, Watchtower and Remnant.

...they're strong united for taken alone you may be a match for them. Whatever you do with them is up to you. We just want them gone.

Fourth Tower Compound

Arty has learned to use his inside voice!
In either case, as he speaks the murmurs grow stronger. They're still impossible to hear but more audible now. Then he can feel a hand brush past his arm, thin skeletal fingers touching him for a brief moment before retreating back from wherever it came from. Then more hands join in, seemingly curious about him, an hand trying to squeeze his other arm, another trying to take his hand while whispering something that he can barely make out as tell him... love.

Then a much louder voice announces it's presence. Thank gods, they finally send someone for Bigfang. Though they forget all about me in here. It seems to scare away the other presences, and they abscond from Arty in haste.

Eastside: Closed Scene

Obriane does recognize him! And that woman too, even if she had only seen her once.
The earth walls around the demon simply disappears once it has break through, Obriane having no reason to maintaining them anymore. Instead she tries another type of tactic. While buddy is holding the creature still she attempts to manifest an ring of tightly packed earth around it's eyes, effectively blinding it. This wouldn't have worked if it just kept on moving but now it might have a chance.

Below Malenchar

"Jobs ma'm?" The guard asks, looking right at her revealed fangs. "What kind of jobs are you looking for?" Another guard comes by and hands him some papers which he accepts without even looking at his fellow guardsman.