
Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
He's allowed to pick it up, feel it, practice with it. Challenges that make people learn multiple skills at once are not good motivators.
Arlem watches Leo work with it with a smile. It's very light, apparently hollow, and fairly smooth. Rolls only a short distance when pushed before the air and friction of the ground stop it.
It moves! You're halfway there! Go on! Draw on your frustration and excitement.
Leo doesn't see what Arlem sees, unfortunately, and he has to wonder if she's just toying with him. Of course, that only gets him more agitated, which feeds into his psychic influence and gradually increases the magnitude of the ball's movements as his power acts upon it. Now that it's more visible, he picks up on it right away, although he's not quite sure if it's moving on his mental commands or just wavering slightly for a draft in the room. In order to be sure, he tries lifting it into the air, willing it to levitate with great anticipation. As one might expect, Leo's fervent wish ends up being overkill, and the little ball suddenly jumps up from the floor, startling him and causing him to recoil in a most humorous fashion. "Whoa," he exclaims. "Did, uh...Did I do that just now...?"

The object reaches the peak of its flight about three feet from the ceiling before falling back down to the ground, bouncing a few times after its initial landing. Leo gets an idea while watching this and tries to catch the ball as it falls. His initial attempts don't produce any results, though, and that failure raises his temper slightly. He growls a bit and reaches toward the orb as it bounces again, pretending to grab it tightly in an exaggerated gesture. To his shock, however, it actually stops in mid-air, floating a foot or so off the ground in his imaginary clutches. After a few moments, he moves his hands from side to side, and the object follows his movements tit-for-tat. A smile breaks out on the spiritualist's face, and he laughs nervously as he declares, "I did it...I-I really did it...!"

Leo realized the potential of Kinesis α!!