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Thread: Awesomenauts: Creeps' Revenge WW

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Awesomenauts: Creeps' Revenge WW

    Awesomenauts: Creeps’ Revenge WW
    by Tasroth
    based on the game created by Ronimo Games
    thanks to Thufir for suggesting using the creeps as villagers

    It's the year 3587, conflict spans the stars. Huge robot armies are locked in an enduring stalemate. In their bid for galactic conquest they call upon the most powerful group of mercenaries in the universe: the Awesomenauts!

    And in the jungles of Ribbit IV, one of the major battlegrounds of the war, small beasts try to go about their daily lives in spite of the opposing groups of Awesomenauts who keep killing them for the healthpacks that mysteriously pop out of them when they die. The life of a Jungle Creep is not an easy one.

    Except... What if they were to work together? Might they stand a chance against these crazy mercenaries then?

    This is intended as a small game, for a maximum of 20 players.

    Basic rules may be found here.
    Votes must be in red text. Vote changes must be indicated by striking through the previous vote.
    Day phases will be roughly 48 hours, Night phases roughly 24.
    The 25% rule does not apply in this game.
    Helgraf’s scry interference rule is NOT being used in this game.
    Auto-lynches will occur after three consecutive days without pointing.

    Jungle Creeps
    The small creatures that inhabit the jungle of Ribbit IV. Not very bright, and constantly preyed on by the Awesomenauts, but there are a lot of them.

    The Jungle Creeps win by eliminating all the Awesomenauts.

    The average small beasts of the jungle, they possess no additional abilities.

    Solar Krab
    A native creature of Aiguillon, accidently transported to Ribbit IV. It’s somewhat brighter than the other jungle creeps, and much more observant. Each night, it may observe one player to discover their role (Seer). It’s still not terribly bright though, so it can’t tell the difference between different Awesomenauts (scries result in Creep, Solar Boss, or Awesomenaut).

    Solar Boss
    Much bigger and more dangerous than its fellow creeps, the Solar Boss is able to protect one player each night from being killed by the Awesomenauts (Baner). In addition, if the Solar Boss successfully banes a target all the offending Awesomenauts automatically have +3 votes against them the following Day phase. Also, the Solar Boss is so big and resilient that only Awesomenauts stand much chance of making an impression on it. Any votes for the Solar Boss by other Jungle Creeps are discounted, and the Solar Boss’s vote counts as 3. If any Awesomenaut possesses an ability to ignore a certain number of votes however, the Solar Boss counts as 1 until this number is bypassed.

    The mercenaries hired by both sides of the war, who have a habit of killing Jungle Creeps for a quick health boost. Needless to say, they want the enemy team dead and to outlast the creeps.

    The Awesomenauts are divided in Team Red and Team Blue. Each team may attempt to kill one player each night by PMing the narrator. Either team wins by eliminating the enemy team, and having equal numbers to the surviving Jungle Creeps.

    Each Awesomenaut has two abilities, each of which has a 1 day/night cooldown as applicable. An individual Awesomenaut may only use ONE ability each Day/Night pair (one ability during Day 1/Night 1, one during Day 2/Night 2, etc). If 2 abilities could cancel each other out, which one was used first will be randomised. The different Awesomenauts will be distributed randomly between the teams.

    Froggy G*

    “Grand master splash in da house!”
    Straight out of the marsh pond ghettos of planet Ribbit IV comes the amphibious B.I.G., also known as Nate Frogg, but mostly known as Froggy G. Froggy G is a gangsta rapper turned hired gun, combining his shoot-out experiences with lethal watery dance moves.
    Splash Dash: Froggy can launch himself forward at high speed, stunning anyone in his path. During either the day OR night phase, he may target one player. Any abilities that player tries to use during that phase fail (this does not count as using the ability, so it does not require cooldown). This affects the Solar Krab’s scries, Solar Boss’s bane, and all Awesomenaut abilities (including Clunk’s Explode).
    Tornado: Using his dance skills to spin madly, Froggy can repel unwanted attention. During the night phase, he can activate this ability. The next day, all in-thread votes (not bonus ones from abilities) against Froggy count against the player pointing at him. If the Solar Boss’s vote is reflected in this way, it only counts as 1.

    Sheriff Lonestar*

    “There’s a new Sheriff in town!”
    At the heart of the Milky Way lies the Bovinion system, ruled by a semi intelligent cow-like species. Until recent years, an age-old custom in this society was to scare young Bovinian calves with boogeyman stories about a scary cowboy. Recently, a wealthy Bovinian visionary opened up a park where visitors would come to see a genetically re-engineered cowboy in action. But disaster struck and the cowboy escaped his cage. Once the entire Bovinian civilization had been wrangled, the cowboy, naming himself Sherriff Lonestar, rode a rocketship into the sunset, his job complete. Now Sherriff Lonestar fights as a mercenary in the robot wars.
    Dynamite: Sometimes shooting things won’t cut it, so Lonestar pulls out sticks of cigar-lit dynamite. During the night phase, he may prepare to throw dynamite. The first player Lonestar points at the next day receives an additional 3 votes. If he changes his point later on, these bonus votes do not move. If Lonestar fails to point, the ability is wasted.
    Summon Hyper-Bull: To keep himself sharp, Lonestar trains with powerful holo-bulls that knock anyone away. During the day phase, he may PM the narrator a list of players he wants to protect, and a list of players he wants them protected from (pushed). Lonestar automatically protects himself, and additional random players are also protected. The number of players on each list will decrease based on the number of surviving players, but starts at a maximum of 3 chosen protected, 2 random protected, and 3 pushed. Any votes by the pushed players for protected players are discounted, as is Lonestar’s vote if he points at a pushed player. The following night, the pushed players cannot target the protected players with any abilities (and are given the list of protected players, so they may decide based on that). This can even prevent the enemy night kill if ALL the surviving enemy team are pushed.

    Leon Chameleon

    “I am not only a lover, but also a fighter.”
    Leon's life is a life of crime, women, and borrowing without returning. He lost his arm in an unfortunate jeu de boules incident and spends most of his time smoothly escaping debt collectors. Leon joined the Awesomenauts for some quick cash, spending it on beautiful women and exquisite meals. In combat, he puts his natural reptile abilities to some good use and slices up his enemies with great precision.
    Cloak: Leon’s natural stealth ability can render him completely invisible, at least until he attacks. During the night phase, Leon can activate his cloak. Until the end of the next day, any actions targeting him have an 80% chance of failure, and he ignores the first 5 votes against him. However, during this time he cannot post in the game thread or otherwise communicate about the game.
    Surprise!: Emerging from stealth, Leon can make short work of an unwary target. During the night phase, he may attempt to kill one player (Assassin). This kill only works on enemy Awesomenauts however, as Jungle Creeps would be a waste of Leon’s talents. Also, the Solar Boss is far too dangerous for a solo assassination, so the kill still fails but Leon learns the Solar Boss’s identity.


    “Aggression inhibitor malfunctioning.”
    Clunk is a robot suffering from anger management issues. He's saving up money to pay for therapy, but keeps losing it due to damage compensations. Clunk signed up as a mercenary to do what he is best at: wrecking things. He found that finally giving in to his aggressive nature has given him great inner peace.
    Vacuum Bite: Clunk has a powerful set of metal jaws that allow him to take a bite out of almost everything, which is quickly converted to raw health. During the day phase, he may target one player. Two votes are removed from Clunk and added to that player’s total.
    Explode: Clunk was designed to be a suicide attacker, and as such can activate his self-destruct when close to death. If Clunk is killed, one of the responsible players is taken with him (Beast). This ability does not need to be activated, but it does not function during the same Day/Night pair that Clunk used his Vacuum Bite.

    Voltar the Omniscient

    “I am the brain of the operation.”
    Voltar's past is shrouded in mystery. Rumor has it he once was a researcher at a star-encapsulating power station. The station made intergalactic headlines when it exploded around 500 years ago, sending off all kinds of strange, unseen radiation into space. The explosion at the power station destroyed almost every part of Voltar's body, leaving only his brilliant brain intact. This brain was carefully placed inside a Braintank by salvagers. No-one knows Voltar's true motives for participating in the war as a mercenary, but what can be assured is that he's a mastermind with unmatched psychotechnic powers and an arsenal of armed robots that do his every bidding.
    Drones: Because he does a lot of thinking, Voltar finds it worthwhile to use advanced, and nicely explosive, robodrones to fight on his behalf. Voltar ignores the first vote against him each day phase. Unlike most Awesomenaut abilities, this is always active. During the day phase however, he may choose to launch his drones at a target of his choice. That player gains an extra 3 votes, but Voltar loses his vote protection while this ability is on cooldown.
    Healbot: Voltar can construct a high-tech healbot to assist him heal his allies. During the night phase, Voltar may choose to protect one player from either any night kill attempts (Baner) OR being lynched the following day (Day-Baner).
    Healing Wave: In addition to his abilities, Voltar’s lynch vote counts as -1 when used against team-mates. It is ignored when targeting enemy Awesomenauts or the Solar Boss.


    “Yuri was promised banana!”
    Once part of the soviet space program, Yuri was a monkey, experimentally shot into space during the 1960's cold war space race. Mysteriously, monitoring soviet scientists suddenly lost track of monkey Yuri's spacecraft. Little did they know that Yuri's spacecraft had entered a warpfield anomaly and was transported hundreds of years into the future! Also, the warpfield’s radiation boosted Yuri's mind to super-intelligent levels. The new, more intelligent, mad and slightly sadistic Yuri quickly grasped the situation and modified his broken rocket into an equally mad time-travelling supercomputer jetpack.
    Mines: What’s the use of a jetpack if all it can do is fly and warp space and time? Exactly, it needs explosions! During the night phase, Yuri may PM the narrator a number. A mine is placed that many posts after the night end narration (ignoring any posts by the narrator or dead players). The player posting at this point receives 4 lynch votes per mine at this spot. Yuri and his team-mates are unaffected, leaving the mine in play. Mines remain for up to 5 day phases.
    Time Warp: Yuri has managed to recreate parts of the time anomaly inside his jetpack, allowing him to alter the flow of time in an area around himself. He can activate this ability during the day phase. Until the end of the next night, he has a 50% chance of being unaffected by abilities and a (separate) 50% chance of learning the identity of the player using the ability (though not their role, or what ability it was). This includes banes affecting his team’s night kill (at a 10% chance to cancel), but not scries. During the day it is activated, there is a 50% chance it can be used against each ability targeting Yuri in that phase.

    *These Awesomenauts have their abilities reset at the beginning on the Night phase rather than the Day phase, and so can use one Day 1, one Night 1/Day 2, etc.

    Living - 5/14
    Legato Endless

    Name Role Died
    Count Dingdong Jungle Creep Lynched Day 1
    The Fiery Tower Jungle Creep Killed Night 1
    smuchmuch Red Froggy G Killed Night 1
    banjo1985 Jungle Creep Lynched Day 2
    Lex-Kat Solar Krab Killed Night 2
    Askthepizzaguy Jungle Creep Killed Night 2
    Zar Peter Red Leon Lynched Day 3
    Penguinator Jungle Creep Killed Night 3
    Duck999 Jungle Creep Lynched Day 4
    Last edited by Tasroth; 2014-05-30 at 07:53 PM.
    What do you mean "Dungeon Master" isn't a proper job?

    Thanks to Thufir for the avatar.

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    Talia Dakashnit (3.5 CE human fighter), Gabriel Stryfe (d20 Modern fast hero), Tacin Willow (3.5 NG human fighter//bard)

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