Quote Originally Posted by Asta Kask View Post
You'd have to remove your boobs first and place them under the pillow. Or sleep with a pillow on your chest.
While asleep, although I look human, I behave as an octopus who suffers from both severe and erratic fits and a constant displeasure with the specific way the blankets and pillows are arranged. I have woken up everywhere in the bed, including on the opposite side of my partner to where I started, and I've done everything and anything to the blankets and pillows, including making a neat stack of pillows on the floor at the foot of the bed, and rotating the blanket 180 degrees in two axes.

Quote Originally Posted by Astrella View Post
@Kender; I try to do that. I've been trying to get back into painting miniatures recently, but the anxiety makes it really hard to decide on colours and such to use and I'm very fickle about this stuff as it is. And spending time and money on it doesn't help with the guilt issues either. :/
I'm glad you're feeling better, but ugh, that's annoying! I hate feeling guilty about my hobbies. It helps me to set a budget, for the financial side at least. I spend the same amount of money, but it's all on purpose!