Quote Originally Posted by The Succubus View Post
So in less than a week's time, I will not be an audiologist any more. Some of you already know this story but about two months ago, I had major issues with anxiety that caused me to re-evaluate almost everything in my life - my job, my home, my future. So I've decided to ante up and resign and find out what I was actually supposed to do with my life before I ended up stuck in audiology for 12 years. Also seem to have acquired a therapist along the way as well, which has proved equal parts insightful, positive and horrifying. >.>

Also starting to wonder a little bit about my sexuality as well. It'll be interesting to see what happens next.
Many hugs and lots of support my friend. The unknown can be a very scary thing, but it is in all of us to take that first step into the void.

We shall be here if you need us!