The moment Roderick steps through the door of the War Room and looks up from his salute he realizes what he's just walked into...

The war room is a large, octangular room, easily capable of fitting over a dozen people with plenty of room to spare. In the center of the room is a large, dark wooden table. Edged with gold and stamped with high gothic script praising the God-Emperor and his divine mastery of the galaxy. From each wall hangs a large, intricate tapestry outlining the credo of the Inquisition, the many victories and successful purges of an inquisitor (you can't tell who from here). The ceiling is dominated by a huge Inquisitional 'I' from which two powerful light fixtures hang.

On the far end of the room are two people, the first, standing by the other figure, is an Inquisitorial Guardsman. Though draped in the same black carapace as his fellows his armour is much more elegant than his fellows. Gold inlay twist and arc across his chest armour, forming the I of the Inquisition through a thicket of golden vines. His helmet lays on the table and his face is pitted and scarred, the mark of a man who has been through decades of war. His hair is slicked back and steel grey, one of his eyes is dark green, and the other glows the dull red of an high quality augmentic. He looks up with a start as Roderick enters, a look of slight surprise on his face.

The second figure is seated, he has light brown hair tied back in a ponytail and yellow eyes. His face is pointed and strikingly gritty, reminding you of a gunslinger from a Hive-desperado action vid, complete with chin stubble. You realize he's talking with a small holo-projection of another person. Though their back is turned you can vaguely make out a tall, flat hat reminiscent of a witch hunter.
"I understand Lil, but there are definite traces of Xenos compounds in it and Delphin and I both agree that-"
The ponytail'd man looks up suddenly as he notices Rodericks presence. Glancing back at the holo he murmurs something and shuts off the device. He then raises a hand and beckons you take a seat.
"My apologies, I seem to have lost track of time. I am Interrogator Silvanus Heston, please take a seat. Raldon, tell the others outside to join us"

The guardsman beside him nods and walks to the doors, beckoning those outside to enter the war room and take a seat.