Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post
The Brave Knight Runs away!

A group of gargoyles still follow from the air, trying to keep up with them woman. Eventually they might lose her though as she's too fast for them.

Apartment Complex

We will be in touch. The demon replies before flying away. It had much to do now.

[Below Malechenar]

"You have to excuse me m'am, but could you explain what a 'stonemask' is, since I never heard about it." The guard asks.

[Eastside Demon Fight]

Obriane blinks. "Oh, he was possessed then?" She glances at the body, poor sod. "Like there is some sort of spirit de'mon on the loose?" Obriane looks rather worried as spirits tended to come to her before anyone else and that one didn't look very nice at all.
It's a mask from an ancient society that, when worn and in contact with blood, turns the wearer into a vampire..
She explains.

That's the Spirit!

No. Mages in my world will often allow a demon to possess them in a way, basically live inside, trying to take over, in order to gain power in their craft and become immune to harm from other demons that many summon to fight. Demons may force themselves upon others and possess in the same way.
Invidia sounds bitter when she says the last part.