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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Big Apple's shadow

    Default Re: Things I'm Not Allowed To Do While Gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Just Alex View Post
    I broke that one in a Cthulu game last weekend

    For the record, Mi-go bio-weapons don't mesh well with human biology.
    I came up with that rule after stabbing a downed opponent with a 2000-year-old metal blade was part of a Nazi dagger only to discover that it heals whoever it pierces. We later deduced that it was the blade from the Holy Lance. After the session I also realized that using it at all is a bad idea (due to space-time and probablity issues), and must only be used in situation where the person MUST be magically healed (i.e. a PC/crucial NPC is on the verge of death or just past it).

    Also, someone please expain what you all mean by catgirls in a gaming context (besides the obvious)?
    Last edited by Nahal; 2006-12-26 at 01:12 AM.