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Thread: Total War - Icon City (IC)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Austin, Texas

    Default Re: Total War - Icon City (IC)

    Lazarus Technologies

    To Semper Fire (P)
    "I did not know that was her reason. I'll see what I can do to remedy that situation. Good hunting."

    To War (PM)
    "That's fine. I will do it myself once I have the time. And I think us finding a hacker who can fortify our systems is the most prudent course of action at this point. Do you know anyone or anywhere I could contact aside from Friendly Fire or Isler?"

    To Friendly Fire (P)
    [OOC: Try for a phone number. Purchase the Cybernetic Arms for [10 Cash] if I can, otherwise I'll have to wait until my systems reboot.]

    Internal (PM)
    How many actions would it take to purge the other Level 1?

    And how does Lazarus holing up in the safehouse to heal work? Does my previous action "persist", so to speak, and still carry over until he does something else, or do I have to spend more actions to stay there for the next midturn and EoT, or can he multitask and do multiple things?

    I really don't want to leave as I feel I've already invested an action into it and haven't seen enough return on investment, but if I can fix the Databases while still being on-call or something, that would be preferred. Otherwise, I'll just wait until EoT to purge the other Level 1 and he'll stay serving as a doctor until then. And augment my last spy group too, so I have all my "action" people on the same level.

    And how is the rest of the city reacting to the war? Mainly with regards to the criminal elements? Are people going to ground or getting bolder? I ask largely to know if the stolen Morganstern tech would still be for sale and if I would be able to find them with a follower action by my spies.

    Midturn depends upon the answers to those. Basically, my base goals for the rest of the turn are:
    Purge the virus.
    Buy Cybernetic Arms from Friendly Fire.
    Be a doctor for hire.
    Sell Virtue [Powers 2]
    Augment my spies.
    Buy TP.

    In descending order of priority. I have 2 Follower Actions and 3 Lazarus Actions. I don't know how actions interact well enough to know if I can do all that this turn.
    Last edited by Nemesis67; 2014-05-01 at 11:27 AM.