1166) even though half-orcs have an orc parent, and half-elves have a elf parent, i cannot assume that halflings have a ling parent
1167) no i cannot play a ling
1168) when playing with my dm's variant of warlock (who gets pretty much infinite mana power in cities) i cannot obliterate the gypsy wagon with 32d8 of anti-matter damage
1169) even if im chaotic good and the bad guy just went in to see the fortune teller
1170) now that i mention it, im not allowed to play a chaotic warlock ever
1171) just because the rules allow it does not mean that i should do it
1172) just because the rules dont disallow it doesnt mean that i should do it
1173) nuking the theif with my mana burn just because im about to get a refill is considered bad form
1174) you cannot use the spell "create food and water" as an offensive spell
1175) mocking the dm for his broken rules, then using them against him, often results in encounters way out of our cr
1176) this usually pisses off players
1177) defeating them ususally pisses off the dm even more