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Thread: Total War - Icon City (IC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Imperial Psycho's Avatar

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    Default Re: Total War - Icon City (IC)

    James Edison

    Yuppieville Team [PM]
    Edison offers the Gentleman Genius a grin. "I'm sure old Granddaddy, however great he is'd be proud of all this."

    ".. But now ain't the time to reminisce. Bloodwind is coming. We gotta go! But let's make sure WEB feels it when we do, eh?"

    "Hey, my friend the Genius, if we punch a hole in them WEB guys, think we could grab anything useful on the way out?"

    Sparks crackle over James' body, causing the air to shimmer with the heat. "I hear WEB makes the shiniest toys. "

    Internal [PM]
    Bloodwind is on the way. But WEB is disorganised, confused, and without their tech advantage. If I get support from my comrades, we punch our way out. We might not be able to finish off WEB, but lets not make this victory a waste.

    James: [Electrokinesis 4] [Inventor] 1. Smash and grab on WEB. Wide field attacks. Try to take them out in groups, and cover the Knight of Blades and Gilgamesh. Protect the medics and Gentleman too, if I can. Keep moving, and get out before Bloodwind shows up.
    Last edited by Imperial Psycho; 2014-05-03 at 03:44 PM.