Does anyone feel the racial traits for the changeling is a bit non-specific, or particularly uninformative. My gripe is about the minor change shape ability. In the racial traits it says it works like disguise but instead of using magic the changelings body changes. Now this seems somewhat straight forward but this has other consequences. What if the changeling male decides to be a changeling female. By the disguise skill it says that he should take a -2 penalty for being a different gender. Should his voice change or anything else. By the disguise spell or skill probably not. However in the description of the changelings as a race it says they are able to become male or female at will, including sexual organs as they can reproduce with either sex as a partner. This is where it seems that the minor shape change exceeds the description of the trait. When a changeling assumes another form it is not just disguised as something else, it actually is something else. Therefore I don't think the changeling would suffer the -2 penalty for changing gender. I also think that, for the description given, the minor change shape ability seems a bit less helpful than it was intended to be. The only difference between what is described in the racial description in the races of eberron for changelings and the shape change ability of doppelgangers is the size restriction, as it says nothing about changelings changing size. Do not think that minor change shape should only give a +10 to disguise, I think it should be automatic like the change shape of the doppelganger. The change shape ability does give a +10 to disguise but I believe this would only apply when taking on the identity of a specific person, right?