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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
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    Western Maryland

    Default Re: Bleach IX: This isn't even my final thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hadrian_Emrys View Post
    It's like we're fated to have opposing stances.

    I'll bet the Star Wars prequels didn't rustle your jimmies either.

    Speaking of rustled jimmies, am I the only one still trying to figure out the justification behind a few of those fullbringers keeping their memories and (likely) their hollow-tainted powers?
    lol....I enjoyed the Star War Prequels, and Jar Jar Binks is the most hilarious character of all time, and no, I am NOT being sarcastic.

    Soooo...yeah, definitely polar opposites I guess, hehe.

    Of course, I think it's fair to mention that I've only ever watched the original Star Wars trilogy like..once, when I was like, 8 years old(I'm 32), and wasn't particularly impressed, so it's a lot easier for me to take the prequel trilogy at face value and not get mad about stuff. Personally, I've never understood the fanaticism over the original movies, but, that's just me.
    Last edited by Starwulf; 2014-05-23 at 03:56 PM.