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Thread: Ponythread Learns to Draw II

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Jul 2010
    Togliatti, Russia

    Default Re: Ponythread Learns to Draw II

    Quote Originally Posted by Madcrafter View Post
    This Einsteinian Roulette game sounds a lot like Paranoia.
    Eh, not really. Although there are some resemblances. Everything is out to kill you, including your teammates (even if mostly unintentionally), there are plenty of secrets and levels of clearance, dying for good takes some doing or a lot of bad luck, and of course there's the AI always watching everything you do.

    Except in this case the computer is actually your friend. In a "doesn't really want you to die because he needs you for his overthrowing of the corrupt oppressive government he used to serve under" kind of way.

    Speaking of, I made an illustration for a recent event in the game. The prison/battleship the crew was serving on these past few years is departing Hephaestus, the first planet liberated in the revolution. My character is one of those remaining behind to manage it (and its vast weapons design and manufacturing complex), and he decided to give the ship a little bit of a sendoff because nobody else thought of it.


    The aurora is a local phenomenon that we're hiding our secondary base under, and why exactly it's there would take too long to explain.
    Event post here if you want. The whole game is an interesting read too.
    Last edited by Sean Mirrsen; 2014-05-25 at 05:20 AM.
    Bearer of the Psionic Flame
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